従来は部門単位にとどまっていた表彰の一部を2023年度から格上げして、特許の出願・登録に対する報奨金の額も引き上げ、技術陣の士気を高めて知的財産権の保護や拡充につなげました。社長表彰は同社のものづくり思想「小・少・軽・短・美」の具現化を条件としていますが、2024年度は11件と2023年度の4件から大きく増えています。 2021年のコーポレートガバナンス・コード改訂を受けて、スズキは2022年に「知的財産推進会議」を設けており、着実にその成果が上がっているようです。 スズキ、知財強化へ社内発明者を顕彰 社長らと座談会も 2024年4月30日 https://www.nikkei.com/article/DGXZQOCC2124T0R20C24A4000000/ スズキ、特許取得社員と社長が座談会 社員の意欲向上へ苦労や工夫共有 2024年4月19日 https://biz.chunichi.co.jp/news/article/10/81449/ 特許取得社員と鈴木社長ら座談会 スズキ 2024/04/19 https://www.at-s.com/news/article/shizuoka/1454275.html 「スズキらしい」「そう来たか」目指す スズキの知的財産戦略 16/12/2023 https://yorozuipsc.com/blog/6825770 100年の歴史が育んだスズキの知財 6/2/2021 https://yorozuipsc.com/blog/100 Suzuki President and technical executives hold roundtable discussion with inventors to strengthen intellectual property rights On April 18, Suzuki held a round-table discussion between President Suzuki, technical executives, and 16 inventors who received the President's Commendation. After explaining the details of their inventions, including battery protection technology for hybrid vehicles (HV), the award winners received questions and words of encouragement from President Suzuki and others. The company has upgraded some of the commendations, which were previously only given to divisions, from FY2023, and increased the amount of rewards for patent applications and registrations to boost the morale of the engineering team and to protect and expand intellectual property rights. The President's Commendation, which is contingent on the company's embodiment of the manufacturing philosophy of "small, small, light, short, and beautiful," received 11 awards in FY2024, a significant increase from the 4 awarded in FY2023. Following the revision of the Corporate Governance Code in 2021, Suzuki established an "Intellectual Property Promotion Council" in 2022, which appears to be steadily bearing fruit.
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著者萬秀憲 アーカイブ
December 2024
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