<![CDATA[ - Blog]]>Thu, 13 Feb 2025 07:01:39 +0900Weebly<![CDATA[Patentfield AIR, Summaria, Tokkyo AI, AI Samuraiの比較]]>Wed, 12 Feb 2025 22:00:00 GMThttp://yorozuipsc.com/blog/patentfield-air-summaria-tokkyo-ai-ai-samurai「Patentfield AIR, Summaria, Tokkyo AI, AI Samuraiなど生成AIを活用した特許情報分析ツールについて、特許情報分析機能だけでなく、発明発掘支援、特許提案書作成支援、特許クレーム作成支援、特許明細書作成支援、拒絶理由通知の分析・対応支援、異議申し立て支援、無効審判請求支援など幅広い特許業務への応用にどう活用されているか?機能と用途など総合的・多面的に調べてください。」というプロンプトで、Deep Research 機能を有するOpenAI(ChatGPT), Gemini, Genspark, Felo AIで調査分析しました。
Comparison of Patentfield AIR, Summaria, Tokkyo AI, and AI Samurai
I conducted an investigative analysis using OpenAI (ChatGPT), Gemini, Genspark, and Felo AI, all of which have Deep Research capabilities, based on the following prompt:
"How are patent information analysis tools that utilize generative AI, such as Patentfield AIR, Summaria, Tokkyo AI, and AI Samurai, being applied not only for patent information analysis functions but also for a wide range of patent-related tasks, including invention discovery support, patent proposal drafting support, patent claim drafting support, patent specification drafting support, analysis and response to office actions, opposition support, and invalidation trial request support? Please conduct a comprehensive and multi-faceted investigation into their functions and applications."
Please evaluate the results at your own discretion.
<![CDATA[Deep Research丸投げは非効率?]]>Wed, 12 Feb 2025 00:00:00 GMThttp://yorozuipsc.com/blog/deep-research「OpenAIが2月2日、長文のレポートを自動的に作成してくれる「deep research」を発表した。ただし、これにレポート作成を丸投げするのは効率的ではない。それよりも、ChatGPTを使っていかにデータや情報を収集するかについて考えるべきだ。」という野口 悠紀雄 氏の指摘、ごもっともです。
Deep Research 機能は、OpenAI(ChatGPT), Gemini, Genspark, Felo AIにまで広がりました。これらのDeep Research 機能について、生成AIに比較させてみた結果を添付しましたので、ご参照ください。あくまで道具として使うわけですが、得意不得意がありますので、使い分けが必要です。
deep research丸投げは非効率? 野口悠紀雄氏が指摘  「ChatGPT活用」で考えるべきこと
Is Delegating Everything to Deep Research Inefficient?
On February 2, OpenAI announced "Deep Research," a feature that automatically generates long reports. However, as Yukio Noguchi points out, completely delegating report creation to this tool is not efficient. Instead, it is more important to consider how to use ChatGPT effectively for data and information gathering.
The Deep Research feature has now expanded beyond OpenAI (ChatGPT) to include Gemini, Genspark, and Felo AI. I have attached a comparison of these Deep Research features generated by AI for your reference. While these tools are meant to assist users, they each have their strengths and weaknesses, making it necessary to use them appropriately depending on the situation.
Is Delegating Everything to Deep Research Inefficient?
Yukio Noguchi Highlights the Importance of Thoughtful ChatGPT Utilization

<![CDATA[特許の崖という業界の常識と戦う塩野義製薬]]>Tue, 11 Feb 2025 22:21:43 GMThttp://yorozuipsc.com/blog/7441228「開発10年超は当たり前、特許の崖といった業界の常識と戦う塩野義製薬の経営戦略 目指すは創薬型企業からHaaS企業へのトランスフォーム」という2月10日付けの記事を読みました。特許の崖で苦しんでいる製薬業界ですが、なるほどと思います。
Felo AIのDeep Researchで会社全体を、OpenAIのDeep ResearchとGemini Deep Researchで成長戦略への知的財産部門の貢献実績を、調べました。
Shionogi’s Battle Against the Industry Norm of the “Patent Cliff”
I read an article dated February 10 titled "Shionogi’s Business Strategy: Fighting Against the Industry Norm of a 10+ Year Development Cycle and the Patent Cliff—Aiming to Transform from a Drug Discovery Company to an HaaS Company." The pharmaceutical industry has long struggled with the patent cliff, and I found the article quite insightful.
Using Felo AI’s Deep Research, I examined the company as a whole, while OpenAI’s Deep Research and Gemini Deep Research were used to investigate the intellectual property department's contributions to its growth strategy.
I’ll leave the evaluation of the results up to each individual.
Shionogi’s Business Strategy: Fighting Against the Industry Norm of a 10+ Year Development Cycle and the Patent Cliff
Aiming to Transform from a Drug Discovery Company to an HaaS Company

February 10, 2025
Link to the article

<![CDATA[令和6年(行ケ)第10023号「情報処理端末」]]>Mon, 10 Feb 2025 23:57:19 GMThttp://yorozuipsc.com/blog/610023令和6年(行ケ)第10023号 審決取消請求事件は、特許出願(特願2021-80176号、請求項の数8)の拒絶査定に対する不服審判請求(不服2023-11666号)を不成立とした審決の取消訴訟で、争点は、①本件補正の可否、②本願発明の進歩性及び③手続違背の有無です。
この判決をFelo AIにアップし、「要約してください。」「特許庁の判断と裁判所の判断の違いを詳しく説明してください。」「特許庁はなぜ間違った判断をしたのでしょうか?」「一般的に裁判所の方が特許庁よりプロパテントであると言われています。その影響はあるでしょうか?」と質問して回答を得ました。Felo AIでは、有料ユーザーはLLM(大規模言語モデル)を切り替えて使うことができます。今回は、OpenAI o3-mini (high)、Gemini 2.0 Flash、Claude 3.5 Sonnetで回答を得ました。また、ChatGPT 4o(Felo AI経由せず直接使用)の回答も添付しました。
令和6年(行ケ)第10023号「情報処理端末」(知的財産高等裁判所 令和6年11月13日)判決全文
創英国際特許法律事務所 知財判決ダイジェスト
特許 令和6年(行ケ)第10023号「情報処理端末」(知的財産高等裁判所 令和6年11月13日)
ユニアス国際特許事務所 判例研究
Reiwa 6 (Administrative Case) No. 10023 "Information Processing Terminal"
The lawsuit for the revocation of the decision in Reiwa 6 (Administrative Case) No. 10023 concerns a rejection appeal trial (Appeal No. 2023-11666) filed against the decision of rejection of a patent application (Application No. 2021-80176, with eight claims). The main issues in dispute are:
① The admissibility of the amendment in question,
② The inventive step of the present invention, and
③ The presence or absence of procedural violations.
The Japan Patent Office (JPO) determined that the amendment in question, which involved deleting the phrase “regardless of whether payment-related information is entered,” did not reduce the scope of the claims and thus did not meet the requirements for an amendment. However, the Intellectual Property High Court found that the amendment did indeed reduce the scope of the claims and ruled that the JPO’s decision to reject the amendment was incorrect.
The judgment was uploaded to Felo AI, and the following questions were posed to obtain responses:
  • “Summarize this case.”
  • “Explain in detail the difference between the JPO's decision and the court's decision.”
  • “Why did the JPO make an incorrect judgment?”
  • “It is often said that courts are generally more pro-patent than the JPO. Could this have influenced the outcome?”
Felo AI allows paid users to switch between different LLMs (large language models). In this case, responses were obtained from OpenAI o3-mini (high), Gemini 2.0 Flash, and Claude 3.5 Sonnet. Additionally, responses from ChatGPT-4o (used directly without Felo AI) were also included.
Please evaluate the responses at your own discretion.
Full Text of Judgment: Reiwa 6 (Administrative Case) No. 10023 "Information Processing Terminal" (Intellectual Property High Court, November 13, Reiwa 6)
Soei International Patent & Law Firm - Intellectual Property Judgment Digest
Patent - Reiwa 6 (Administrative Case) No. 10023 "Information Processing Terminal" (Intellectual Property High Court, November 13, Reiwa 6)
Unius International Patent Office - Case Study
Reiwa 6 (Administrative Case) No. 10023 "Information Processing Terminal" Case

<![CDATA[サマリア新機能:包袋管理機能、OCR機能、文書整形機能]]>Mon, 10 Feb 2025 11:13:24 GMThttp://yorozuipsc.com/blog/ocr特許文書読解支援アシスタント「サマリア」は、拒絶理由対応に拒絶支援ワークフロー機能により拒絶対応が効率化できますが、2月10日、新機能として、包袋管理機能、包袋RAG(拡張検索)機能、OCR機能、文書整形機能などが加わり、一層便利になりました。
Summaria New Features: Dossier Management, OCR, and Document Formatting Functions
The patent document reading assistant "Summaria" has already streamlined rejection response procedures with its Rejection Support Workflow feature. However, as of February 10, several new functionalities have been added, making it even more convenient. These include the Dossier Management Function, Dossier RAG (Retrieval-Augmented Generation) Function, OCR Function, and Document Formatting Function.
The Dossier Management Function enables users to manage various legal documents—such as opinions, amendments, petitions, oppositions, and even lawsuits—by linking them with patent documents. Users can provide instructions or ask questions to generative AI using either standalone dossier documents or in combination with patent documents (e.g., patent gazettes).
The Dossier RAG (Retrieval-Augmented Generation) Function further enhances this by allowing generative AI to analyze and generate insights based on both dossier and patent documents.
With the OCR function, users can extract high-precision text data from image-based PDFs, while the Document Formatting Function automatically restructures disorganized text, significantly reducing manual workload.
While generative AI is increasingly being used in patent offices for handling rejections, corporate IP departments have been slower to adopt it. One reason is the time-consuming tasks surrounding AI usage. The new Summaria features effectively address this issue, making generative AI-powered patent workflows much more accessible and efficient.

<![CDATA[令和5年(行ケ)第10132号「地盤固結材および地盤改良工法」]]>Mon, 10 Feb 2025 07:01:02 GMThttp://yorozuipsc.com/blog/510132令和5年(行ケ)第10132号は、発明の名称を「地盤固結材および地盤改良工法」とする特許に係る本件訂正発明 1、2及び4から7までの進歩性に係る判断に誤りがあるとして、特許異議申立てに対する決定のうち特許を取り消すとした部分を取り消した事例です。
ChatGPT-4o、Gemini 2.0 Pro Experimental 02-05に判決を読み込ませて、解説してもらいました。出来栄えは各自ご判断ください。
令和5(行ケ)10132 判決
Reiwa 5 (Gyo-Ke) No. 10132 "Ground Solidification Material and Ground Improvement Method"
Reiwa 5 (Gyo-Ke) No. 10132 is a case in which the portion of the decision on a patent opposition that revoked the patent was overturned, on the grounds that there was an error in the judgment regarding the inventive step of the corrected invention Nos. 1, 2, and 4 to 7, related to the patent titled "Ground Solidification Material and Ground Improvement Method."
I had ChatGPT-4o and Gemini 2.0 Pro Experimental 02-05 analyze the ruling. Please assess the quality of the explanations for yourself.

<![CDATA[令和6年(行コ)第10006号 出願却下処分取消請求控訴事件]]>Sun, 09 Feb 2025 07:23:24 GMThttp://yorozuipsc.com/blog/610006特許協力条約に基づく国際出願をした上、出願に係る国内手続において、特許法184条の5第1項所定の国内書面として、発明者の氏名欄に「ダバス、本発明を自律的に発明した人工知能」と記載した国内書面を提出した控訴人(1審原告)の国際出願を却下した処分について、同処分は違法であるとしてその取消しを求める請求をした事例(原判決が東京地方裁判所令和5年(行ウ)第5001号)の知財高裁判決が1月30日言い渡され、知財高裁は第一審判決を支持し控訴を棄却しました。

令和6年(行コ)第10006号 出願却下処分取消請求控訴事件 フードコンテナ並びに注意を喚起し誘引する装置及び方法

AIが100%開発でも特許権は人に?【“法廷の決断” 司法記者が徹底解説】

関連動画「AIが生んだ“発明” 特許権はAI? 人?」

発明者がAI、二審も特許権認めず 権利帰属「人に限定」

Reiwa 6 (Gyo-Ko) No. 10006
Appeal in the Case Seeking Revocation of the Disposition Refusing the Application

Following an international application under the Patent Cooperation Treaty, the appellant (plaintiff in the first instance) submitted a domestic document prescribed in Article 184-5, Paragraph (1) of the Patent Act during the domestic phase of the application. In the “Name of Inventor” field of that domestic document, the appellant wrote “DABUS, an artificial intelligence that autonomously invented this invention.” The appellant’s international application was refused, and the appellant filed suit seeking revocation of that refusal on the grounds that it was unlawful. In this case (original judgment: Tokyo District Court Reiwa 5 (Gyo-U) No. 5001), the Intellectual Property High Court rendered its decision on January 30, upholding the first-instance judgment and dismissing the appeal.
We used generative AI to analyze and compare both the Tokyo District Court ruling and the IP High Court ruling. Please see the attached PDF for details. As for the quality of the AI-generated comparison, you may judge for yourself.

Reiwa 6 (Gyo-Ko) No. 10006
Appeal in the Case Seeking Revocation of the Disposition Refusing the Application:
Food Container and Device/Method for Drawing Attention and Inducement
Summary of Judgment
Full Text of Judgment

Is a Patent Right Awarded to Humans Even If AI Has Developed 100% of the Invention?
“Courtroom Decision” — An In-Depth Explanation by a Judicial Reporter
If an AI creates an invention, can that invention be recognized as one made by AI? In Japan, a lawsuit addressing this question—how patent rights should be handled when AI is involved—has been brought to court for the first time. In fact, when one looks behind the lawsuit, the plaintiff, the defendant, and the court all share the same perspective, making this case quite unusual compared to typical litigation. What does that mean? A judicial reporter provides an in-depth explanation.

Related Video:
“Invention Created by AI—Are the Patent Rights for AI or for Humans?”

Additional News Coverage
“Inventor Is AI; Second Instance Also Denies Patent Right—Ownership Limited to Humans”
“Patent for ‘AI as Inventor’ Not Recognized… IP High Court Upholds District Court Ruling That an Inventor Must Be a Natural Person”
<![CDATA[生成AIを用いた特許文書品質向上]]>Sun, 09 Feb 2025 01:05:49 GMThttp://yorozuipsc.com/blog/ai5248119第16回産業日本語研究会・シンポジウムが「生成AIと言葉、そして私たちの生活はどのように変わっていくか」というテーマで2月5日に開催されました。
特許文書分科会活動では、谷川 英和 弁理士から)「生成AIを用いた特許文書品質向上」という報告がありました。
第8回特許情報シンポジウム 2024年11月7日
Improving the Quality of Patent Documents with Generative AI
The 16th symposium of the Industrial Japanese Language Study Group was held on February 5th under the theme "How will generative AI, language, and our lives change?
The patent document subcommittee heard a presentation on "Improving the quality of patent documents using generative AI" by patent attorney Hidekazu Tanikawa.
The outline is as follows
Last year, we investigated how ChatGPT could contribute to improving the quality of patent documents, and as a result, we confirmed its usefulness in invention drafting (conceptualizing ideas and developing inventions), claim drafting, and specification review. On the other hand, there are still problems with patent searches (determining patent classification codes and creating search formulas) and the creation of drawings required for patent applications (conceptual drawings can be created, but detailed drawings such as six-view drawings are difficult).
This year, we investigated how the generated AI could contribute to each characteristic (technical disclosure, technical logic, clarity, accuracy, conciseness, legal portability, etc.) of the patent document quality characteristic model.
After preparing two types of prompts and dividing the survey among experts in four technical fields, we found that prompts that clearly provided definitions and examples of the characteristics were more likely to elicit appropriate responses and provided useful cues to the experts, but the responses could not be taken at face value.
In the future, we will use generative AI to improve the 12 patent quality characteristics (accuracy, conciseness, unambiguity, technical disclosure, technical clarity, technical logic, breadth of invention, inventiveness, robustness, ease of proving infringement, coverage of own products, coverage of other companies' products, etc.), and coverage of other companies' products, etc.) at each stage (strategy planning, invention construction, patent search, patent specification writing, application processing, intermediate processing, registration procedures, maintenance of rights, invalidation of rights, and enforcement of rights) in four technical fields (mechanical, electrical, chemical, and software) to improve the quality characteristics of each patent (accuracy, conciseness, unambiguousness, technical disclosure, technical clarity, technical logic, breadth of invention, inventiveness, robustness),
<![CDATA[NTTの生成AI事業]]>Sat, 08 Feb 2025 23:17:37 GMThttp://yorozuipsc.com/blog/nttai5069485Felo AIの「検索代理機能」を使って、「NTTの生成AI事業」について調べてみました。
Felo「検索代理機能(Search Agent)」は、AIがユーザーの代わりに情報を収集し、整理されたレポートやプレゼンテーション資料を自動で作成する機能です。この機能は、特にビジネスや研究において、リサーチ業務を効率化するために設計されています。
自動情報収集: ユーザーが指定したテーマに基づいて、AIが複数の信頼できる情報源からデータを収集します。これにより、手動で情報を探す手間を省き、迅速に必要な情報を得ることができます。
レポートとプレゼン資料の自動生成: 検索結果をもとに、AIが自動でレポートやプレゼンテーション資料を作成します。これにより、情報の整理や資料作成にかかる時間を大幅に短縮できます。
専門エージェントの利用: 検索代理機能には、業界分析や技術動向調査など、20種類以上の専門分野に特化したエージェントが搭載されています。これにより、特定のニーズに応じた情報収集が可能です。
今回は、検索代理から経営戦略に進み、事業化可能性調査レポートのテンプレートを用いました。(Pro検索 が10 回必要なので、有料ユーザーしか使えません。)
NTT's Generative AI Business
I used Felo AI's “Search Agent” function to find out about “NTT's Generative AI Business”.
Felo's “Search Agent” function is a feature that allows AI to collect information on the user's behalf and automatically create organized reports and presentation materials. This feature is designed to streamline research work, particularly in business and research.
The main features of the Search Agent function are
Automatic information collection: Based on the theme specified by the user, the AI collects data from multiple reliable sources. This eliminates the need to manually search for information, and allows you to quickly obtain the information you need.
Automatic generation of reports and presentation materials: Based on the search results, the AI automatically creates reports and presentation materials. This greatly reduces the time required for organizing information and creating materials.
Use of specialized agents: The search agent function includes agents specializing in over 20 different fields, including industry analysis and technology trend surveys. This allows you to gather information according to your specific needs.
In this case, we used the search agent to move on to business strategy, and then used the feasibility study report template. (This requires 10 Pro searches, so it can only be used by paying users.)
It provides a comprehensive evaluation of the feasibility of the project and provides a basis for investment decisions.
Executive Summary
Project Summary
Market Analysis
Technical Feasibility
Organizational Structure
Financial Analysis
Risk Analysis
Environmental Impact Assessment
Legal and Regulatory Analysis
Conclusions and Recommendations
Please use your own judgment regarding the content of the report.

<![CDATA[日中イノベーション共創]]>Sat, 08 Feb 2025 10:43:33 GMThttp://yorozuipsc.com/blog/1540586「日中のあり方を再定義し、日中で新たな価値を創造する」という、「ジャンシン(匠新、Takumi Innovators)」は、日中で唯一の日中スタートアップ&イノベーション支援プラットフォームです。
創業者の田中年一 (Tanaka Toshikazu)氏は、IP FORWARDの顧問にもなっています。
ジャンシン(匠新、Takumi Innovators)
詳細は、OpenAI Deep Research、 Gemini Deep Research、Felo AIの検索結果をご覧ください。
Japan-China Innovation Co-Creation
“Takumi Innovators” is the only Japan-China startup and innovation support platform that ‘redefines the relationship between Japan and China and creates new value between Japan and China’.
Established in Shanghai in 2015, it works closely with XNode, a leading player in the international startup and innovation support platform in China, and organically combines XNode's co-working spaces and various resources to provide a range of services to help Japanese venture companies start up and succeed in China.
The founder, Tanaka Toshikazu, is also an advisor to IP FORWARD.
Takumi Innovators
For more information, please see the search results for OpenAI Deep Research, Gemini Deep Research, and Felo AI.
<![CDATA[Cool Galapagos as a Competitive Advantage]]>Sat, 08 Feb 2025 02:29:04 GMThttp://yorozuipsc.com/blog/cool-galapagos-as-a-competitive-advantageCool Galapagos as a Competitive Advantage」は、日本のビジネスや知的財産戦略において注目されている概念であり、「ガラパゴス化」をポジティブに捉え直し、それを競争優位性として活用する考え方を指します。
​2025年2月12日に開催される「第24回JIPA知財シンポジウム」では、この「Cool Galapagos as a Competitive Advantage」が主要テーマの一つとして取り上げられます。
Cool Galapagos as a Competitive Advantage
“Cool Galapagos as a Competitive Advantage” is a concept that is attracting attention in the context of Japanese business and intellectual property strategy. It refers to the idea of re-evaluating ‘Galapagosization’ in a positive light and using it as a competitive advantage. This term is being discussed as a strategy for turning Japan's uniqueness and particularities into strengths. The “24th JIPA Intellectual Property Symposium” to be held on February 12, 2025 will feature “Cool Galapagos as a Competitive Advantage” as one of its main themes.

<![CDATA[マイクロ波化学の知的財産活用レベル]]>Sat, 08 Feb 2025 02:08:51 GMThttp://yorozuipsc.com/blog/3939658これまでソニー、日立製作所、キーエンス、トヨタ自動車、花王、富士フイルム、資生堂、旭化成、パナソニック、武田薬品、エーザイ、味の素、コニカミノルタ、ファナック、村田製作所、信越化学工業、アステラス製薬、オムロン、リクルート、ソフトバンク、ユニ・チャーム、ナブテスコ、ブリヂストン、サントリー、ロート製薬、三菱電機の知的財産の活用レベルを生成AIに評価させた結果を紹介してきました。



コア技術の保護と競争優位性の構築: マイクロ波化学プロセス装置、反応器設計、制御技術など、広範な技術領域で特許を取得し、コア技術を保護しています。これにより、模倣を防ぎ、競争優位性を維持しています。
応用範囲の拡大: 製薬、化学、食品など、様々な分野で特許を取得し、マイクロ波化学技術の応用範囲を拡大しています。これは、知的財産の活用範囲を広げ、事業の多角化に貢献するものです。
グローバル展開: 国内だけでなく、海外でも特許を取得し、グローバル市場での事業展開を推進しています。これは、知的財産をグローバルな事業展開の基盤としていることを示します。
ライセンス契約による収益化: 保有する特許を他社にライセンス供与することで、収益源を多様化しています。ライセンス契約は、プロジェクトの成功による収益から自社の貢献度に応じた割合を受け取る仕組みとなっており、知的財産が直接的な収益に結びついています。
コンサルティングサービスの提供: マイクロ波化学プロセスの導入検討、プロセス最適化、トラブルシューティングなどのコンサルティングサービスを提供しており、顧客の既存プロセス分析やマイクロ波化学の適用可能性評価などを支援しています。これは、知的財産に基づく技術力を活用したサービス提供であり、収益源の一つとなっています。
技術プラットフォームの強化: マイクロ波プロセスを産業化する過程で「デザイン力」と「要素技術群」を構築・強化し、技術プラットフォームを確立しています。この技術プラットフォームは、化学・エネルギー産業における多様な課題に対して最適なソリューションを提供するための基盤となっており、知的財産を基盤とした事業戦略の統合が進んでいます。
外部との連携: 大学や研究機関との共同研究を通じて新たな技術開発を促進し、知的財産の創出を加速させています。このオープンイノベーションの取り組みは、将来的には更なる技術革新や新たな事業領域の開拓につながり、企業変革を促す可能性があります。
成長戦略: ケミカルリサイクルや鉱山プロセスなどの成長分野への注力や、技術プラットフォームの強化によるステージアップを目指す戦略を立てています5。これは、知的財産を中核とした事業戦略の高度化を進めており、将来的なレベルアップが期待できます。
Intellectual Property Utilization Level of Microwave Chemical
So far, I have introduced the results of generative AI evaluations on the intellectual property utilization levels of companies such as Sony, Hitachi, Keyence, Toyota Motor, Kao, Fujifilm, Shiseido, Asahi Kasei, Panasonic, Takeda Pharmaceutical, Eisai, Ajinomoto, Konica Minolta, Fanuc, Murata Manufacturing, Shin-Etsu Chemical, Astellas Pharma, Omron, Recruit, SoftBank, Unicharm, Nabtesco, Bridgestone, Suntory, Rohto Pharmaceutical, and Mitsubishi Electric.
Using Intellectual Property as an "Offensive" Weapon: A Five-Level Strategy for Shaping the Future of Companies
Intellectual Property Utilization Level of Mitsubishi Electric
This time, I present the results of generative AI's evaluation of the intellectual property utilization level of Microwave Chemical using the same methodology.
Intellectual Property Utilization Level of Microwave Chemical
Microwave Chemical Co., Ltd.’s intellectual property utilization level has been evaluated based on the five-level classification provided.
Evaluation: Level 3 (Profit Center)
Microwave Chemical Co., Ltd. is not only utilizing intellectual property for defensive purposes but has also reached a stage where it is leveraging it as a source of revenue. The following points provide specific reasons for this evaluation:
  • Protection of Core Technologies and Competitive Advantage:
    The company has secured patents in various technological fields, including microwave chemical process equipment, reactor design, and control technology, thereby protecting its core technologies. This prevents imitation and helps maintain a competitive edge.
  • Expansion of Application Scope:
    The company has obtained patents in diverse fields such as pharmaceuticals, chemicals, and food industries, broadening the application scope of its microwave chemical technology. This expands the utility of intellectual property and contributes to business diversification.
  • Global Expansion:
    Microwave Chemical has secured patents not only in Japan but also internationally, promoting business expansion in global markets. This indicates that intellectual property serves as a foundation for global business development.
  • Revenue Generation Through Licensing Agreements:
    The company monetizes its patents by licensing them to other companies, diversifying its revenue sources. The licensing agreements ensure that the company receives a proportionate share of the revenue generated from successful projects, directly linking intellectual property to earnings.
  • Provision of Consulting Services:
    The company offers consulting services, including feasibility assessments for implementing microwave chemical processes, process optimization, and troubleshooting. It supports clients by analyzing their existing processes and evaluating the applicability of microwave chemistry. This demonstrates how the company leverages its intellectual property-based technological expertise to provide services, creating an additional revenue stream.
Based on these factors, Microwave Chemical Co., Ltd. is assessed to be at Level 3, where it actively utilizes intellectual property to generate revenue.
Potential Advancement to Level 4 (Integration) and Level 5 (Vision):
Given the current situation, there are indications that Microwave Chemical Co., Ltd. could further enhance its intellectual property utilization and advance toward Level 4 (Integration) or Level 5 (Vision), aiming for corporate transformation and future innovation.
  • Strengthening of Technology Platforms:
    In the process of industrializing microwave processes, the company has been building and reinforcing its "design capabilities" and "element technologies," establishing a technological platform. This platform serves as a foundation for providing optimal solutions to various challenges in the chemical and energy industries, advancing the integration of intellectual property-based business strategies.
  • Collaboration with External Partners:
    The company accelerates intellectual property creation through joint research with universities and research institutions. This open innovation initiative could lead to further technological advancements and the exploration of new business domains, facilitating corporate transformation.
  • Growth Strategy:
    The company has formulated strategies to focus on growth areas such as chemical recycling and mining processes, as well as strengthening its technological platform to achieve the next level of business development. This indicates that it is advancing its business strategies with intellectual property at the core, suggesting the potential for further progression.
Taking these elements into account, Microwave Chemical Co., Ltd. has the potential to strategically utilize intellectual property to transform its business further.
Additional Notes:
  • Currently, there are no explicit descriptions that indicate Level 4 or 5 utilization, which is why it has been evaluated at Level 3. However, depending on future business expansion and intellectual property strategies, the company has the potential to reach higher levels.
In summary, Microwave Chemical Co., Ltd. is at a stage where it actively leverages intellectual property to drive its business and is a company with significant growth potential in the future.

<![CDATA[三菱電機の知的財産活用レベル]]>Fri, 07 Feb 2025 22:33:40 GMThttp://yorozuipsc.com/blog/6393779これまでソニー、日立製作所、キーエンス、トヨタ自動車、花王、富士フイルム、資生堂、旭化成、パナソニック、武田薬品、エーザイ、味の素、コニカミノルタ、ファナック、村田製作所、信越化学工業、アステラス製薬、オムロン、リクルート、ソフトバンク、ユニ・チャーム、ナブテスコ、ブリヂストン、サントリー、ロート製薬の知的財産の活用レベルを生成AIに評価させた結果を紹介してきました。



三菱電機の知的財産活用レベルを評価すると、レベル4(インテグレーション) に近い段階にあると考えられます。以下にその理由を説明します。
事業戦略への統合: 知的財産戦略が、事業戦略、特にカーボンニュートラル、スマートシティ、DXなどの成長戦略と密接に統合されています。
競争優位性の構築: 知的財産を積極的に活用し、市場における競争優位性を構築しようとしています。
社会課題解決への貢献: 知的財産活動を通じて、事業を通じた社会課題解決を目指しています。
オープンイノベーションの活用: 知的財産をオープンイノベーションや共同研究開発に活用し、新たな事業創出を目指しています。
ただし、レベル5(ビジョン) に達しているとは断言できません。レベル5では、知的財産を用いて未来を創造する段階であり、現状の資料からは、三菱電機が知的財産によって業界のルール形成を主導し、未来の社会構造や技術トレンドを積極的に作り出しているという明確な証拠を見つけることは難しいです。しかし、同社が業界横断での標準化活動への参画によってカーボンニュートラル実現に必要な新ルール作りにも関与していくとみられることから、将来的にレベル5に到達する可能性も示唆されています。
今後の課題と展望 三菱電機は、今後もグローバルな競争激化や技術革新の加速に対応するため、知的財産戦略の進化と高度化が求められます。具体的には、以下の点が課題として挙げられます。
知的財産活動の更なる深化: 知的財産ポートフォリオの質の向上、知的財産リスクの管理、知的財産人材の育成などを継続的に行う必要です。
ライセンス収入の増加: 知的財産の活用によるライセンス収入の増加が期待されますが、現状では明確な実績が示されていません。
訴訟への対応: 知的財産訴訟への対応戦略も重要になりますが、資料からは具体的な情報を見つけることができませんでした。
ブランド価値の向上: 知的財産活動を通じて、更なるブランド価値、企業イメージ向上を目指していく必要があります。
Level of utilization of intellectual property at Mitsubishi Electric
So far, I have introduced the results of having the generated AI evaluate the level of utilization of intellectual property at Sony, Hitachi, Keyence, Toyota, Kao, Fujifilm, Shiseido, Asahi Kasei, Panasonic, Takeda, Eisai, Ajinomoto, Konica Minolta, Fanuc, Murata Manufacturing, Shin-Etsu Chemical, Astellas Pharma, Omron, Recruit, Softbank, Unicharm, Nabtesco, Bridgestone, Suntory, We have been introducing the results of having a generated AI evaluate the level of intellectual property utilization at Rohto Pharmaceutical.
Using intellectual property as a “proactive” weapon: a five-step level strategy to open up the future of companies
Level of intellectual property utilization at Rohto Pharmaceutical
In this article, I will introduce the results of an evaluation of the level of intellectual property utilization at Mitsubishi Electric Corporation, using the same method as before.
Mitsubishi Electric's level of intellectual property utilization
When we evaluate Mitsubishi Electric's level of intellectual property utilization, we find that it is close to Level 4 (Integration). The reasons for this are explained below.
Features of Mitsubishi Electric's intellectual property activities
Positioning intellectual property as a management resource: Mitsubishi Electric clearly positions intellectual property as an important management resource for the present and the future. This recognition shows that the company does not see intellectual property as simply  a right, but rather as an important element for promoting management strategies.
Intellectual Property Department Organizational Structure: The Intellectual Property Department is part of the company-wide management department under the direct control of the president, and a system has been established to promote company-wide intellectual property strategies. This organizational structure suggests that intellectual property strategies are closely linked to management strategies.
Intellectual property activities linked to business strategy: By strategically linking intellectual property activities to standardization activities, Mitsubishi Electric aims to solve social issues and create new markets through its business. By strategically linking intellectual property rights acquisition activities, standardization activities, and the utilization of intellectual property rights, we support business activities and build competitive advantage.
Focus on core technologies: Mitsubishi Electric has nine core technologies in the three technology domains that support its business, and it holds 70,000 patents worldwide2. In particular, it is thought to have built a strong patent portfolio in core technologies such as power electronics, information and communications, and artificial intelligence-related technologies. These technologies support the company's growth strategy in areas such as carbon neutrality, smart cities, and DX.
Promotion of open innovation: Mitsubishi Electric is promoting open innovation and joint research and development using intellectual property. It is accelerating the creation of new technologies and services through collaboration with partner companies.
Evaluation of the level of intellectual property utilization
Taking these factors into account, the level of intellectual property utilization at Mitsubishi Electric is considered to be close to Level 4 (Integration) in the following respects
Integration into business strategy: Intellectual property strategy is closely integrated with business strategy, particularly growth strategies such as carbon neutrality, smart cities, and DX.
Building competitive advantage: The company is actively utilizing intellectual property to build a competitive advantage in the market.
Contributing to solving social issues: The company aims to solve social issues through its business activities through its intellectual property activities.
Utilization of open innovation: We aim to create new businesses by utilizing intellectual property in open innovation and joint research and development.
However, it is difficult to say that it has reached Level 5 (Vision). At Level 5, the company is in the stage of using its intellectual property to create the future, and from the current materials it is difficult to find clear evidence that Mitsubishi Electric is leading the formation of industry rules through its intellectual property and actively creating future social structures and technology trends. However, it is thought that the company will be involved in creating new rules necessary for achieving carbon neutrality through its participation in cross-industry standardization activities, and this suggests the possibility that it will reach Level 5 in the future.
Future Issues and Prospects In order to respond to the intensification of global competition and the acceleration of technological innovation, Mitsubishi Electric will need to continue to evolve and enhance its intellectual property strategy. Specifically, the following issues have been identified
Further deepening of intellectual property activities: It is necessary to continuously improve the quality of the intellectual property portfolio, manage intellectual property risks, and develop intellectual property personnel.
Increase in license income: Although an increase in license income through the use of intellectual property is expected, there is currently no clear track record.
Handling of lawsuits: While it is important to have a strategy for handling intellectual property lawsuits, we were unable to find any specific information on this in the materials.
Improvement of brand value: It is necessary to aim to further improve brand value and the corporate image through intellectual property activities.
While responding to these issues, it is thought that Mitsubishi Electric will strategically utilize intellectual property and aim for sustainable growth and contribution to society.

<![CDATA[ロート製薬の知的財産活用レベル]]>Thu, 06 Feb 2025 23:50:48 GMThttp://yorozuipsc.com/blog/6482367これまでソニー、日立製作所、キーエンス、トヨタ自動車、花王、富士フイルム、資生堂、旭化成、パナソニック、武田薬品、エーザイ、味の素、コニカミノルタ、ファナック、村田製作所、信越化学工業、アステラス製薬、オムロン、リクルート、ソフトバンク、ユニ・チャーム、ナブテスコ、ブリヂストン、サントリーの知的財産の活用レベルを生成AIに評価させた結果を紹介してきました。



今後の展望 ロート製薬は、今後、以下の取り組みを通じて、知的財産活用レベルをさらに向上させていくと期待できます。
結論 現時点では、ロート製薬の知的財産活用レベルは「プロフィットセンター」段階にあると評価できますが、今後の取り組み次第でさらに上のレベルに成長する可能性を秘めています。

Level of Intellectual Property Utilization at Rohto Pharmaceutical

So far, I have introduced the results of having the AI evaluate the level of intellectual property utilization at Sony, Hitachi, Keyence, Toyota, Kao, Fujifilm, Shiseido, Asahi Kasei, Panasonic, Takeda, Eisai, Ajinomoto, Konica Minolta, Fanuc, Murata Manufacturing, Shin-Etsu Chemical, Astellas Pharma, Omron, Recruit, Softbank, Unicharm, Nabtesco, Bridgestone, and Suntory.

Using intellectual property as a “proactive” weapon: a five-level strategy for opening up the future of companies
Suntory's level of intellectual property utilization

In this article, I will introduce the results of the same method used to evaluate the level of intellectual property utilization at Rohto Pharmaceutical.

Level of intellectual property utilization at Rohto Pharmaceutical

We will evaluate the level of intellectual property utilization at Rohto Pharmaceutical based on the five-level scale presented.
Evaluation: Level 3 “Profit Center
Rohto Pharmaceutical is thought to be at a stage where it is actively utilizing its intellectual property and using it to improve its profits. The reasons for this are explained below.
•Acquisition and utilization of intellectual property rights:
◦ Rohto Pharmaceutical is actively acquiring intellectual property rights such as patents, trademarks, and designs to protect its technology and brand.
For example, the eyewash “Easy Cup®” has obtained patent and design rights for its structure and design, and this is being used as a measure against imitation products and to highlight the uniqueness of the product. In addition, intellectual property is being incorporated into product development that responds to customer needs, and this is creating differentiated product value.
The unique technology of our main products is protected by patents, and we are securing revenue by selling them exclusively.
• In our global expansion, we are also formulating intellectual property strategies that match the legal systems of each country and region, and are proceeding with the acquisition of trademarks and patents overseas.
• Improving brand value:
◦ Through trademark registration, we are working to improve the value of our brands, such as “ROHTO Pharmaceutical”, “Mentholatum”, and “Hadalabo”, which we are developing both domestically and overseas.
• Securing a competitive advantage through intellectual property:
◦ By securing a competitive advantage through the acquisition of patents and taking measures against imitation products, we are building a competitive advantage in the market.
From these points of view, it can be said that Rohto Pharmaceutical is using intellectual property not only to protect its business, but also as an important tool to increase its profits.
However, it is thought that it has not yet reached the level of “integration” for the following reasons.
• Complete integration of intellectual property strategy and business strategy:
◦ Although the materials show that intellectual property strategy and business strategy are integrated, it is possible that this has not yet reached the level of transforming the entire company.
◦ While the use of intellectual property is making a significant contribution to new product development and brand strategy, it is not yet at the level of fundamentally changing the corporate culture or organizational structure.
• Dormant patents:
◦ While there are many inventions, there are also some that have not been commercialized and are dormant patents, which is an issue.
◦ This suggests that there is room for improvement in terms of the effective use of intellectual property.
Future Outlook It is expected that Rohto Pharmaceutical will further improve its level of intellectual property utilization through the following initiatives in the future.
•Strengthening the IP department's structure:
◦Strengthen the system for promoting IP activities in collaboration with each department by training and increasing the number of IP personnel and enhancing internal education.
◦Improve the company's overall IP mindset by having management communicate and share the value of IP.
•Promoting open innovation:
◦Strengthen collaboration with internal and external parties and further strengthen the system for working together to create new value.
◦Promote the use of dormant patents and expand the IP portfolio.
•Establishment of a global intellectual property management system:
◦Establish a global intellectual property management system that can respond to the differences in intellectual property legislation in each country.
◦Promote international collaboration in human resources, including the assignment of intellectual property specialists to overseas bases.
Through these initiatives, it is thought that Rohto Pharmaceutical will place intellectual property at the core of its management, aiming for sustainable growth and contribution to society.
Conclusion At the present time, we can evaluate the level of intellectual property utilization at Rohto Pharmaceutical as being at the “profit center” stage, but depending on future initiatives, there is potential for growth to a higher level.
<![CDATA[知財活動のROICへの貢献]]>Thu, 06 Feb 2025 11:17:46 GMThttp://yorozuipsc.com/blog/roic3002372Paragraph. 編集するにはここをクリック.​2月6日 
第1章 知財・無形資産ガバナンスとROIC―基本概念のおさらい
第2章 ROIC逆ツリーとは何か―知財活動と財務指標を“つなぐ”仕組み
第3章 知財活動のKPI設定―定量評価と定性評価の両立
第4章 知財活動による収益向上策―売上高への貢献をどう示すか
第5章 知財活動によるコスト構造最適化―営業利益の向上に向けて
第6章 投下資本の効率化―研究開発投資、M&A、オープンイノベーションの視点
第7章 長期的な価値創造とROIC―タイムラグをいかに説明するか
第8章 業界別事例研究―知財活動とROICの関連性を読み解く
第9章 知財担当者のコミュニケーション戦略―経営層・投資家との対話
第10章 今後の展望とアクションプラン
Contribution of Intellectual Property Activities to ROIC
I wrote an explanation of approximately 54,000 characters under the title “Contribution of Intellectual Property Activities to ROIC”.
Contribution of Intellectual Property Activities to ROIC
Chapter 1: Intellectual Property and Intangible Asset Governance and ROIC - Review of Basic Concepts
Chapter 2: What is the ROIC Inverse Tree? - A mechanism for “linking” intellectual property activities and financial indicators
Chapter 3: Setting KPIs for Intellectual Property Activities - Achieving a balance between quantitative and qualitative evaluation
Chapter 4: Measures to Improve Earnings through Intellectual Property Activities - How to show the contribution to sales
Chapter 5: Optimizing the Cost Structure through Intellectual Property Activities - Aiming to improve operating income
Chapter 6: Improving the Efficiency of Capital Investment - Perspectives on R&D investment, M&A, and open innovation
Chapter 7: Long-term value creation and ROIC - How to explain the time lag
Chapter 8: Case studies by industry - Understanding the relationship between IP activities and ROIC
Chapter 9: Communication strategy for IP staff - Dialogue with management and investors
Chapter 10: Future prospects and action plan
By reading this, intellectual property professionals can step up from being "experts in rights acquisition" to becoming "strategic partners who drive business," gaining even greater trust both within and outside the company.
I sincerely hope you will find it useful as a practical guide.
<![CDATA[サントリーの知的財産活用レベル]]>Thu, 06 Feb 2025 05:56:00 GMThttp://yorozuipsc.com/blog/2547604これまでソニー、日立製作所、キーエンス、トヨタ自動車、花王、富士フイルム、資生堂、旭化成、パナソニック、武田薬品、エーザイ、味の素、コニカミノルタ、ファナック、村田製作所、信越化学工業、アステラス製薬、オムロン、リクルート、ソフトバンク、ユニ・チャーム、ナブテスコ、ブリヂストンの知的財産の活用レベルを生成AIに評価させた結果を紹介してきました。
1.ディフェンス (レベル1):
2.コスト・コントロール (レベル2):
3.プロフィットセンター (レベル3):
4.インテグレーション (レベル4):
5.ビジョン (レベル5):
Level of utilization of Suntory's intellectual property
So far, I have introduced the results of having an AI evaluate the level of intellectual property utilization at Sony, Hitachi, Keyence, Toyota, Kao, Fujifilm, Shiseido, Asahi Kasei, Panasonic, Takeda, Eisai, Ajinomoto, Konica Minolta, Fanuc, Murata Manufacturing, Shin-Etsu Chemical, Astellas Pharma, Omron, Recruit, Softbank, Unicharm, Nabtesco, and Bridgestone.
Using intellectual property as a “proactive” weapon: a five-level strategy for opening up the future of companies
Level of intellectual property utilization at Bridgestone
In this article, I will introduce the results of the generated AI evaluating the level of intellectual property utilization at Suntory using the same method.
Level of intellectual property utilization at Suntory
We will evaluate the level of intellectual property utilization at the Suntory Group based on the five levels presented.
The Suntory Group can be evaluated as being between Level 3 (Profit Center) and Level 4 (Integration) in terms of the level of its use of intellectual property in its business strategy.
Reasons for evaluation:
1. Defense (Level 1):
◦ Suntory actively acquires intellectual property rights such as patents and trademarks to protect its products and technologies.
◦ The company has established an Intellectual Property Department and a Brand Intellectual Property Management Department to oversee its intellectual property rights.
◦ We conduct thorough investigations to ensure that we do not infringe on the intellectual property rights of other companies.
◦ These activities demonstrate that we are reliably implementing Level 1 activities to protect our business.
2.Cost Control (Level 2):
◦ We could not find any direct statements in the provided materials that Suntory is in the process of reducing the cost of managing its intellectual property.
3.Profit Center (Level 3):
◦ Suntory actively uses its intellectual property to generate revenue. For example, it is continuously supplying high-value-added products developed with the spirit of “Yatte Minahare” (Go for it!).
It is also actively using its intellectual property in its sustainability activities and co-creation activities with stakeholders, and is trying to maximize its brand value.
The success of the Iemon brand is a good example of how its intellectual property strategy contributes to its earnings.
These activities show that it is at Level 3, a profit center that uses its intellectual property as a source of revenue.
4. Integration (Level 4):
◦ Suntory does not just see intellectual property as a right, but integrates it into its overall business strategy.
◦ The company links intellectual property to its corporate sustainability strategy and brand value enhancement, and aligns its business strategy with its intellectual property strategy.
◦ Suntory also uses its intellectual property activities to solve social issues, integrating its intellectual property activities with its raison d'être.
These activities indicate that the company is at Level 4, where it is integrating intellectual property and business strategy to transform the company.
5. Vision (Level 5):
◦We were unable to find any direct statements in the provided materials that indicated that Suntory is at Level 5, where it is using intellectual property to create the future. However, since the Suntory Group has a vision of “the brilliance of human life,” it is possible that its intellectual property activities are also being used to realize this vision.
Supplementary information:
• Suntory's intellectual property strategy has contributed significantly to the enhancement of brand value. Successful cases such as Iemon demonstrate that the strategic use of intellectual property rights can be used to differentiate a company from its competitors and establish a market advantage.
• Suntory is also taking steps to raise awareness of intellectual property within the company. By implementing a reward system that encourages employee inventions and providing education and training on intellectual property, the company is working to establish intellectual property activities as part of its corporate culture.
• Suntory's activities show that it does not see intellectual property as just a right, but rather that it is integrated into business strategy and is used as an important tool to enhance corporate competitiveness and sustainability.
• Suntory is trying to fulfill its corporate social responsibility by linking its intellectual property activities to social contribution and its corporate ethics code.
For these reasons, we can evaluate the level of the Suntory Group's use of intellectual property as being between Level 3 and Level 4. Depending on its future intellectual property strategy, it may be possible to reach Level 5.
<![CDATA[世界で最もAIを開発・活用しやすい国のAI法]]>Wed, 05 Feb 2025 23:46:46 GMThttp://yorozuipsc.com/blog/aiai93501422月4日、「第13回AI戦略会議・第7回AI制度研究会合同会議」で、中間とりまとめ案のパブリックコメント結果が審議されました。
日時 令和7年2月4日(火)
場所 中央合同庁舎第8号館 1階 講堂
議事 中間とりまとめ(案)について
資料2AI戦略会議 AI制度研究会 中間とりまとめ(案)
参考資料1AI戦略会議 構成員名簿
参考資料2AI制度研究会 構成員名簿
権利侵害で対策 「推進と規制」両立  AI新法策定へ
AI悪用は事業者名公表、政府が新法策定へ 罰則は見送り
国がAIの開発促進とリスク対応両立させるAI法案策定へ AI戦略会議中間とりまとめ
AI Law for the World's Most AI-Friendly Country
On February 4, during the joint meeting of the 13th AI Strategy Conference and the 7th AI System Research Group, the results of public comments on the interim draft summary were deliberated.
Because AI technologies—especially generative AI—are advancing rapidly and calling for swift legal reform, discussions on the AI bill in the current session of the Diet are about to begin. The goal is to establish a legal framework that will serve as a global model by balancing the promotion of innovation with measures to address associated risks, ensuring that our country becomes “the easiest place in the world to develop and utilize AI.”

Meeting Details
13th AI Strategy Conference / 7th AI System Research Group (Joint Meeting)
  • Date: Tuesday, February 4, 2025
  • Location: Auditorium, 1st Floor, Central Government Office Building No. 8
  • Agenda: Discussion of the Interim Draft Summary
  • Document 1: Results of the Public Comment on the Interim Draft Summary
  • Document 2: Interim Draft Summary from the AI Strategy Conference and the AI System Research Group
Reference Materials:
  • Reference Material 1: List of Members of the AI Strategy Conference
  • Reference Material 2: List of Members of the AI System Research Group

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<![CDATA[2025 ライフサイエンス知財フォーラム]]>Wed, 05 Feb 2025 14:24:20 GMThttp://yorozuipsc.com/blog/202535528782月4日に行われた「2025 ライフサイエンス知財フォーラム」(日本製薬工業協会 知的財産委員会)では、特に知財業務を担う人材の育成に焦点を当て、産官学の取り組み事例を共有しながら、理想的な知財人材像やその育成方法について議論、さらに、オールジャパンでの知財業務のあるべき姿を描いていました。
  • 日時: 2025年2月4日(火)13:00~17:00(開場 12:30)
  • 会場: ソラシティカンファレンスセンター 2階 ソラシティホール(東京都千代田区神田駿河台4-6)
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  5. 16:55 閉会挨拶
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2025 Life Sciences Intellectual Property Forum
The "2025 Life Sciences Intellectual Property Forum" (organized by the Intellectual Property Committee of the Japan Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Association) was held on February 4, focusing particularly on the development of human resources engaged in intellectual property operations. Through the sharing of case studies from industry, government, and academia, discussions were held on the ideal profile of IP professionals and methods for their development. Furthermore, the forum aimed to envision the optimal approach to intellectual property operations on a national scale in Japan.
Notably, Hiroya Okumura, Chair of the Intellectual Property Committee of the Japan Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Association, pointed out that the role of intellectual property departments in the life sciences sector is undergoing significant change. With the emergence of new modalities and the development of the drug discovery ecosystem, IP operations are shifting from traditional patent searches, filings, and management within companies to activities such as partner scouting and evaluation, joint research agreements, and co-patent filings.
The lectures and panel discussions delivered by the speakers were excellent, and it is unfortunate that their content cannot be shared in detail.

2025 Life Sciences Intellectual Property Forum
Event Overview
  • Date & Time: Tuesday, February 4, 2025, 13:00–17:00 (Doors open at 12:30)
  • Venue: Sola City Conference Center, 2nd Floor, Sola City Hall (4-6 Kanda Surugadai, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo)
  • Theme: The Transformation of Intellectual Property Operations – What Is Required of IP Professionals?
  1. 13:00 – Opening Remarks
    • Isao Teshirogi (Vice President, Japan Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Association; Chairman & CEO, Shionogi & Co., Ltd.)
  2. 13:05 – 14:05 – Keynote Lectures
    • "IP Professionals Required in the AI Era – Focusing on IP Information Analysis and IP Landscape"
      • Atsushi Nozaki (President & CEO, e-Patent Corporation)
    • "Technology Transfer Activities of the University of Tokyo TLO – The Role of IP in Promoting Industry-Academia Collaboration"
      • Keiko Honda (President & CEO, University of Tokyo TLO Co., Ltd.)
  3. 14:15 – 15:45 – Lectures
    • "Model Contracts for Promoting Open Innovation"
      • Hidehiko Kaneko (Intellectual Property Utilization Planning Coordinator, Planning and Research Division, General Affairs Department, Japan Patent Office)
    • "Expanding and Connecting: The Expected Roles and Opportunities for IP Professionals – From the Perspective of Intangible Assets (Human Capital and Intellectual Property)"
      • Makoto Kobayashi (President & CEO, Cyclo Hygia Co., Ltd.; Specially Appointed Professor, Open Innovation Institute, Osaka University)
    • "The Pharmaceutical Industry at a Turning Point and the IP Professionals It Needs"
      • Hiroya Okumura (Chair, Intellectual Property Committee, Japan Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Association)
  4. 15:55 – 16:55 – Panel Discussion
    • Moderator: Hiroya Okumura
    • Panelists: Atsushi Nozaki, Keiko Honda, Hidehiko Kaneko, Makoto Kobayashi
  5. 16:55 – Closing Remarks
    • Shoko Nakagawa (Executive Director, Japan Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Association)
<![CDATA[ブリヂストンの知的財産活用レベル]]>Tue, 04 Feb 2025 23:30:00 GMThttp://yorozuipsc.com/blog/1750397これまでソニー、日立製作所、キーエンス、トヨタ自動車、花王、富士フイルム、資生堂、旭化成、パナソニック、武田薬品、エーザイ、味の素、コニカミノルタ、ファナック、村田製作所、信越化学工業、アステラス製薬、オムロン、リクルート、ソフトバンク、ユニ・チャーム、ナブテスコの知的財産の活用レベルを生成AIに評価させた結果を紹介してきました。
ブリヂストンの知的財産活用レベルは、提供された資料に基づくと、レベル4「インテグレーション」 に近い状態にあると評価できます。以下にその理由を説明します。
◦「Top 100 グローバル・イノベーター」に4年連続で選出されるなど、知財力が高く評価されています。
◦「知財を活躍させる企業統治」とは。プロが明かす重要ポイント〖後編〗 | 経済産業省 METI Journal ONLINE)で、個々の知財の役割を分析し組み合わせることで、他分野へも応用を広げられると述べられています。
Bridgestone's Intellectual Property Utilization Level
So far, I have presented the results of having the generated AI evaluate the level of intellectual property utilization at Sony, Hitachi, Keyence, Toyota, Kao, Fujifilm, Shiseido, Asahi Kasei, Panasonic, Takeda, Eisai, Ajinomoto, Konica Minolta, Fanuc, Murata Manufacturing, Shin-Etsu Chemical, Astellas Pharma, Omron, Recruit, Softbank, Unicharm, and Nabtesco.
Using intellectual property as a “proactive” weapon: a five-step level strategy for opening up the future of companies
Level of intellectual property utilization at Nabtesco
In this article, I will introduce the results of the generated AI evaluating the level of intellectual property utilization at Bridgestone, using the same method.
Level of intellectual property utilization at Bridgestone
Based on the materials provided, Bridgestone's level of intellectual property utilization can be evaluated as being close to Level 4 “Integration”. The reasons for this are explained below.
Reasons for evaluation as Level 4 “Integration”:
• Integration of business strategy and intellectual property:
◦ Bridgestone positions intellectual property not as a mere means of protecting rights, but as an important management resource that can be converted into social and customer value.
◦We position intellectual property at the core of our business strategy, and use it to create customer value and differentiation through new products and services.
◦We amplify the value generated by intellectual property through a “mix of intellectual property” that combines not only technical patents but also peripheral knowledge and know-how.
◦We aim to improve corporate value by examining the results of intellectual property investment from the perspective of return on invested capital (ROIC) and directing management resources to priority fields.
◦The IP strategy is clearly stated in the medium- to long-term plan, and is being promoted in unison with the business strategy.
•The role of the IP department:
◦The IP department is involved in everything from the discovery of inventions to the acquisition of rights and implementation in business, and puts the IP strategy into practice.
◦Countermeasures against imitation products and responses to disputes with competitors are also important roles of the IP department.
We are transforming into an organization that contributes to business, and we are supporting the utilization of intellectual property on the front line and building an “intellectual property mix” as two wheels.
We are involved from the research and development stage, and we are acquiring rights for promising inventions and building bridges to business divisions.
We are also actively supporting intellectual property in new fields such as smart manufacturing processes and mobility services in response to digital transformation (DX).
Utilization of intellectual property:
◦ We are building business models that utilize not only patents but also know-how and data.
◦ We are monetizing our intellectual property rights through licensing and joint research and development.
◦ We are creating new businesses that combine intellectual property and digital technology, such as providing a service that predicts when tires need to be replaced. The Intellectual Property Division functions as a “catalyst” for the company, increasing the accuracy of investment in intangible assets and contributing to the expansion of business profits.
• Securing a competitive advantage through intellectual property:
◦ Intellectual property is the driving force behind innovation and competitive advantage for Bridgestone.
◦ We have built a patent network to protect our technology and know-how, and to protect our competitive advantage.
◦ We are increasing our deterrent effect on counterfeit manufacturers through patent litigation and other means.
◦ Our intellectual property capabilities are highly regarded, as evidenced by our selection as a “Top 100 Global Innovator” for four consecutive years.
• Improving brand value:
◦ The IP strategy also contributes to strengthening the brand value, and it protects the reliability of the brand by eliminating imitation products and low-quality similar products.
◦ The activities of the IP department itself enhance the image of technological innovation.
Outlook for Level 5 “Vision”:
Bridgestone is close to Level 4, but the materials suggest the possibility of aiming for Level 5 “Vision” in the future.
• Willingness to create the future:
◦What is “corporate governance that makes the most of intellectual property”? (Professionals reveal important points [Part 2] | METI Journal ONLINE, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry) states that by analyzing and combining the roles of individual intellectual properties, it is possible to expand their application to other fields.
◦In response to new technologies and new fields, the company aims to secure competitiveness in new technological fields such as new materials and recycling technology for EVs, automated driving, mobility services, and carbon neutrality.
◦The company is also ambitious in its intellectual property strategy in emerging markets, and is focusing on global intellectual property development.
◦The company aims to contribute to solving social issues through intellectual property and to enhance its corporate value.
Bridgestone's use of intellectual property is deeply integrated with its business strategy, and it is an essential element for the company's growth and strengthening of its competitiveness. It can be evaluated as Level 4 “Integration” for its proactive use of intellectual property to contribute to the improvement of brand value and the creation of new businesses. In the future, it is thought that there is potential for it to evolve to Level 5 “Vision” by strengthening its response to new technologies and new fields and accelerating its global expansion.
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Generating AI proposes patent applications for technologies lying dormant within companies: “AI Kongming”
On February 3rd, a new service called “AI Kongming” was launched, which analyzes past products and technical data within a company and proposes patents to support patent applications. It also has a prior art search function and can draft the “patent specifications” required for patent applications.
The “AI Kongming” service, which utilizes in-house data and generated AI, has a monthly fee of 40,000 yen in addition to an initial fee for small and medium-sized businesses. It may be perfect for small and medium-sized businesses that have excellent technology but are slow to utilize it as intellectual property.]]>