特に注目すべきは、PBR(株価純資産倍率)が1倍未満で、時価総額が1,000億円以上のプライム市場上場会社の78%が何らかの形で開示している点です。PBRが低く、時価総額が大きい企業ほど、開示が進んでいる傾向にあります。業種別では、平均PBRが低い業種ほど開示が進んでおり、特に銀行業では94%が開示しています。一方で、平均PBRが高い業種(情報・通信業、サービス業、小売業など)では開示が遅れています。 開示の内容には特に言及されていませんが、次の段階では、開示の内容そのものが重要になりそうです。過去1年間で、市場は自社株買いや増配などの株主還元策を通じた資本効率の向上策を評価してきました。しかし、今後は企業が競争優位を高め、持続的に企業価値を向上させるための開示内容が問われるようになるでしょう。 2024/01/15 東証 「資本コストや株価を意識した経営の実現に向けた対応」に関する開示企業一覧表の公表について https://www.jpx.co.jp/news/1020/20240115-01.html 東証、株価重視の経営後押し 4割がPBR改革案 プライム市場 成長戦略は道半ば 2024年1月16日 https://www.nikkei.com/article/DGKKZO77686160W4A110C2MM8000/ 東証の改革要請への取り組み開示企業一覧表からみえてきたこと 2024年1月16日 https://www.smd-am.co.jp/market/ichikawa/2024/01/irepo240116/ Companies with Lower PBR More Likely to Disclose 'Measures Towards Management Conscious of Capital Costs and Stock Prices' On January 15, the Tokyo Stock Exchange published a list of companies that have disclosed their approach to "management with awareness of capital costs and share price. The list covers companies listed on the Prime and Standard markets. As of the end of December 2023, companies that have mentioned "measures towards management with awareness of capital cost and stock price" in their latest corporate governance report are marked as "Disclosed", while those that say they are "considering measures towards management with awareness of capital cost and stock price" are listed as "Under Consideration". Companies that do not include these keywords in their reports are not listed. Of particular note, 78% of companies listed on the Prime Market with a price-to-book ratio (PBR) of less than one and a market capitalization of more than 100 billion yen have made some form of disclosure. Companies with lower P/B ratios and larger market capitalizations tend to disclose more. By industry, those with lower average PBRs are making progress in disclosure, especially in the banking sector, where 94% have disclosed. On the other hand, industries with higher average PBRs (such as information and communication, services, and retail) are lagging in disclosure. Although the content of the disclosures is not specifically mentioned, it seems that the content of the disclosures themselves will become important in the next phase. Over the past year, the market has valued strategies to improve capital efficiency through shareholder return measures such as share buybacks and increased dividends. Going forward, however, the focus is likely to shift to disclosures that enhance competitive advantage and create sustainable shareholder value.
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December 2024
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