ホンダのオープンイノベーション戦略は、スタートアップとの協業を通じて技術革新を迅速に市場に投入し、企業価値を高めるモデルです。知的財産を独占せず共有することで、スタートアップとのフェアなパートナーシップを築き、共に成長することを目指しています。この戦略は、ホンダの「The Power of Dreams」という理念に基づき、未来志向の革新を追求するものです。 協業の成果をライバル社に売ってもOK、ホンダのオープンイノベーション流儀 2024.06.19 https://xtech.nikkei.com/atcl/nxt/column/18/02859/060500005/ Selling Collaboration Results to Rival Companies: Honda's Open Innovation Honda promotes open innovation and has achieved success by advancing win-win collaborations with startups. A distinctive feature of Honda's approach is its stance on sharing rather than monopolizing intellectual property. The results of these collaborations are shared with startups and are even allowed to be provided to rival companies. Although this policy has faced internal opposition, Honda employs a strategy of co-development with startups and leveraging time advantages. By not monopolizing the outcomes of these collaborations, Honda aims to drive technological progress and enhance corporate value. Honda's open innovation strategy is a model that rapidly brings technological innovations to market through collaboration with startups, thereby increasing corporate value. By not monopolizing intellectual property and sharing it instead, Honda establishes fair partnerships with startups, aiming for mutual growth. This strategy aligns with Honda's "The Power of Dreams" philosophy, which focuses on pursuing future-oriented innovations.
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著者萬秀憲 アーカイブ
February 2025
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