特許庁 審査第四部 審査調査室から公表された「AI 関連発明の出願状況調査 報告書(2024 年 10 月)」では、「AIコア発明(FI: G06N)」と「AIを各技術分野に適用したAI適用発明)」に分けて報告されています。(両者を合わせてAI関連発明)
AI コア発明:ニューラルネットワーク、深層学習、サポートベクタマシン、強化学習等を含む各種機械学習技術のほか、知識ベースモデルやファジィ論理など、AI の基礎となる数学的又は統計的な情報処理技術に特徴を有する発明(本調査では、付与される FIとして主に G06Nを想定) AI 適用発明:画像処理、音声処理、自然言語処理、機器制御・ロボティクス、診断・検知・予測・最適化システム等の各種技術に、AI の基礎となる数学的又は統計的な情報処理技術を適用したことに特徴を有する発明(付与が想定される FI は多数) AI関連発明の出願件数は2014年以降急激に増加しており、2022年の出願件数は約10,300件で、AI関連発明のうちFIとしてG06N(AIコア技術)が付与されている特許出願の2022年の出願件数は約3,000件であり、伸びはやや鈍化したが依然として増加傾向。 CNNに言及するAI関連発明の出願件数は2014年以降増加を続けており、トランスフォーマに言及するAI関連発明の出願件数は2020年に深層強化学習の特許出願を上回るなど増加傾向。 日欧中韓においてG06N(AIコア技術)が付与されている出願件数が増加傾向にあり、中国が突出、日本が最も少ない。 AI関連発明の出願状況調査 https://www.jpo.go.jp/system/patent/gaiyo/sesaku/ai/ai_shutsugan_chosa.html Japan Has Fewest AI-Related Invention Applications Among Japan, U.S., Europe, China, and South Korea In the "Survey Report on the Status of AI-related Invention Applications (October 2024)" published by the Examination and Investigation Office of the Fourth Examination Department of the Japan Patent Office, there is a separate report for "AI core inventions (FI: G06N)" and "AI applied inventions (AI applied to each technical field)". (Both are AI-related inventions) AI core inventions: Inventions involving mathematical or statistical information processing technologies that form the basis of AI, such as neural networks, deep learning, support vector machines, reinforcement learning, etc., as well as knowledge-based models and fuzzy logic (in this survey, the assigned main FI is assumed to be G06N). AI Applied Inventions: Inventions characterized by the application of mathematical or statistical information processing technology, which forms the basis of AI, to various technologies such as image processing, speech processing, natural language processing, device control/robotics, and diagnostic/detection/predictive/optimization systems (there are many possible FIs to be assigned). The number of applications for AI-related inventions has increased rapidly since 2014 and is expected to reach approximately 10,300 by 2022. Of these AI-related inventions, the number of patent applications for which G06N (AI core technology) is assigned as an FI is expected to reach approximately 3,000 in 2022, and while the rate of increase has slowed somewhat, the number is still increasing. The number of patent applications for AI-related inventions mentioning CNN has been increasing since 2014, and the number of patent applications for AI-related inventions mentioning transformers has been increasing, with the number of patent applications for deep reinforcement learning exceeding the number of patent applications for transformers in 2020. The number of patent applications for inventions that mention G06N (AI core technology) is increasing in Japan, Europe, China, and South Korea, with China standing out and Japan having the lowest number.
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著者萬秀憲 アーカイブ
December 2024
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