生成AIを使って新製品のデザインを大量に作成し公開することで、企業の新規開発が妨げられる事態などに対応するため、意匠法改正を有識者会議で議論、2026年の改正を目指すようです。 また、現行法は仮想空間上には意匠権の規制が及ばないため、保護の在り方を検討するとのこと。 生成AIの「知財」侵害を防ぐ 特許庁、26年に意匠法改正へ 2024/11/05 https://nordot.app/1226460392244150525?c=302675738515047521 生成AIの知財侵害防止へ意匠法改正 デザイン大量公開で企業新製品の新規性損なう恐れ 2024/11/5 https://www.sankei.com/article/20241105-DP5RJYWSAFI3NA5DQ5N7TMMWFA/ 生成AI用いた知財侵害を抑制 特許庁、企業の開発保護 2024年11月5日 https://www.nikkei.com/article/DGXZQOUA050P20V01C24A1000000/ Amendment to the Design Act in 2026 to Prevent IP Infringement by Generative AI The Japan Patent Office has decided to amend the Design Act to prevent intellectual property infringement stemming from advancements in digital technologies, such as generative artificial intelligence (AI) and virtual spaces on the internet. The amendment aims to address issues where the mass production and public release of new product designs using generative AI could hinder new developments by companies. This amendment will be discussed in an expert panel, with the goal of implementation by 2026. Additionally, since the current law does not regulate design rights within virtual spaces, the approach to protection in these areas will also be reviewed.
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January 2025
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