内閣総理大臣賞は、「広範な社会実装が期待できる酸化制御技術 MA-T System® によるオープンイノベーション。先駆的、且つ基礎的で、今後の応用分野が非常に広い。工業会設立で産学官連携のエコシステムを確立するとともに、学会設立によりアカデミアからの貢献も期待でき、更なる発展が望まれる。」として、川端 克宜(一般社団法人日本MA-T工業会 代表理事)、金田 安史(大阪大学 統括理事・副学長オープンイノベーション機構長)、安達 宏昭((株)dotAqua 代表取締役社長) 、桜井 克明(アース製薬(株) MA-Tビジネスセンター長)、高森 清人((株)エースネット 代表取締役社長)らに授与されました。 今後の成果が期待される取組みです。 広範な社会実装が期待できる酸化制御技術『MA-T System®』によるオープンイノベーションの推進や産学連携の取り組みが評価されたものです。 【取組概要】 ベンチャー企業の発明が大学での原理解明により革新的な酸化制御技術「MA-T System®」へ昇華。領域を超えた研究開発と産学連携の基礎が構築されるとともに、オープンイノベーシ ョンのプラットフォームとして日本MA-T工業会を設立し、広範囲での社会実装を推進。 【目的】 産官学連携によってMA-T®の更なる発展と新たな事業価値創造を目指す。MA-Tは感染対策はもちろん、エネルギー対策・パウチの剥離技術への応用によるリサイクルの研究・農業などSDGsへの取組に繋がっている。 【内容】 創薬相談を機に化学・高分子化学方面でのイノベーションが起こり、食品衛生、農業、林業、新素材、エネルギーなど広範囲をカバーする日本MA-T工業会やMA-T学会を立ち上げ。大学発ベンチャー(㈱dotAqua)設立で次代の創薬を担う若手研究者育成の好循環システムを構築。 【効果】 MA-T®の応用展開として、感染制御、医療・ライフサイエンス、食品衛生、農業・林業、エネルギー、表面酸化(マテリアル)の6つの分野を中心に開発を推進し、社会実装を進めている。日本MA-T工業会への加盟企業104社、賛助会員13団体。MA-T®に関連する大学発ベンチ ャーが2社起業(dotAqua、HOIST 『MA-T®』、内閣府「第6回日本オープンイノベーション大賞」内閣総理大臣賞受賞! ~日本発酸化制御技術『MA-T System®(エムエーティシステム)』によるオープンイノベーション推進~ 一般社団法人 日本MA-T️工業会 2024年2月15日 https://prtimes.jp/main/html/rd/p/000000004.000121772.html 2024.2.16 OPERA「安全な酸化剤による革新的な酸化反応活性化制御技術の創出」の取り組みが「第6回日本オープンイノベーション大賞 内閣総理大臣賞を受賞 https://www.osaka-u.ac.jp/ja/news/topics/2024/02/16001 6th Japan Open Innovation Award The Japan Open Innovation Award is a commendation system designed to honor pioneering and original initiatives that serve as role models for open innovation, thereby accelerating the creation of innovation in our country. On February 14th, the 6th Japan Open Innovation Award, including the Prime Minister's Award among 13 prizes, was bestowed upon 16 initiatives and projects. The Prime Minister's Award was given for "Open innovation through the MA-T System®, an oxidation control technology with the potential for wide-ranging social implementation. It is pioneering and fundamental, with a very broad range of future application areas. The establishment of an industrial association has solidified an ecosystem of collaboration among industry, academia, and government, and the establishment of a scholarly society is expected to contribute further from the academic sector, with further development hoped for." This initiative holds promise for future achievements. The promotion of open innovation through the oxidation control technology "MA-T System®" and efforts in industry-academia collaboration were recognized. Initiative Overview: The invention by a venture company was elevated to an innovative oxidation control technology, "MA-T System®", through the elucidation of principles at a university. A foundation for cross-disciplinary research and development and industry-academia collaboration was established, and the Japan MA-T Industry Association was formed as a platform for open innovation, promoting widespread social implementation. Objective: To aim for further development of MA-T® and the creation of new business value through collaboration among industry, academia, and government. MA-T is linked to initiatives for the SDGs, including infection control, energy measures, and research on recycling through the application of pouch peeling technology, as well as agriculture. Content: Innovations in chemistry and polymer chemistry were sparked by pharmaceutical consultations, leading to the establishment of the Japan MA-T Industry Association and the MA-T Society, covering a wide range of fields including food hygiene, agriculture, forestry, new materials, and energy. The establishment of a university-launched venture (dotAqua, Inc.) created a virtuous cycle for training young researchers responsible for next-generation drug discovery. Effect: As part of the application development of MA-T®, efforts are being made to promote social implementation by advancing development centered on six fields: infection control, medical & life sciences, food hygiene, agriculture & forestry, energy, and surface oxidation (materials). The Japan MA-T Industry Association has 104 member companies and 13 supporting organizations. Two university-launched ventures related to MA-T® have been established (dotAqua and HOIST). "MA-T®", awarded the Prime Minister's Award at the "6th Japan Open Innovation Award" by the Cabinet Office! Promotion of open innovation through the Japan-born oxidation control technology "MA-T System®" Japan MA-T Industry Association February 15, 2024 https://prtimes.jp/main/html/rd/p/000000004.000121772.html February 16, 2024 OPERA's initiative "Creation of Innovative Oxidation Reaction Activation Control Technology Using Safe Oxidants" won the Prime Minister's Award at the "6th Japan Open Innovation Award" https://www.osaka-u.ac.jp/ja/news/topics/2024/02/16001
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February 2025
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