特許出願非公開制度は、特許出願の明細書等に、公にすることにより外部から行われる行為によって国家及び国民の安全を損なう事態を生ずるおそれが大きい発明が記載されていた場合には、「保全指定」という手続により、出願公開、特許査定及び拒絶査定といった特許手続を留保するものです。 特許出願を非公開にするかどうか(保全指定をするか否か)の審査は、特許庁による第一次審査と内閣府による保全審査(第二次審査)の二段階に分けて行われます。また、本制度開始後は、一定の場合に外国出願(特許協力条約に基づく国際出願、すなわちPCT出願も含まれます。)が禁止されますので、外国出願禁止の対象となるか事前に特許庁長官に確認を求める制度(外国出願禁止の事前確認)も新設されます。 なお、特許出願非公開制度一般、保全審査、保全指定後に関する事項(実施の許可、適正管理措置、損失補償等)については、内閣府のホームページに記載されています。 特許出願非公開制度について 令和6年2月2日 特許庁 https://www.jpo.go.jp/system/patent/shutugan/hikokai/index.html 特許出願の非公開に関する制度(内閣府のホームページ) https://www.cao.go.jp/keizai_anzen_hosho/patent.html Patent Application Non-Disclosure System Based on the Economic Security Promotion Act With the commencement of the Patent Application Non-Disclosure System from May 1st, based on the Economic Security Promotion Act, the Patent Office's website has been updated with explanations regarding the system, including the Patent Office's preliminary examination and the pre-confirmation system for the prohibition of foreign applications. The Patent Application Non-Disclosure System reserves patent procedures such as application publication, patent grant, and rejection decisions through a process called 'preservation designation', in cases where the specification of a patent application contains inventions that, if made public, are likely to jeopardize the safety of the nation and its citizens due to actions from external parties. The decision to make a patent application non-disclosed (whether or not to designate for preservation) is divided into two stages: a preliminary examination by the Patent Office and a preservation examination (secondary examination) by the Cabinet Office. After the start of this system, in certain cases, foreign applications (including international applications under the Patent Cooperation Treaty, i.e., PCT applications) will be prohibited, so a new system has been established to request pre-confirmation from the Commissioner of the Patent Office regarding eligibility for foreign application prohibition (pre-confirmation of foreign application prohibition). Details on the general Patent Application Non-Disclosure System, preservation examination, and matters related to after preservation designation (permission for implementation, proper management measures, compensation for losses, etc.) are available on the Cabinet Office's website
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January 2025
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