2011年2月、ウラジオストク税関から非正規輸入業者A社が「GOO.N」を輸入しようとしているとの通知を受け取りました。これを受けて、税関に対してこの輸入を差し止めるよう請求しました。税関は並行輸入品の写真を提供するなど、協力的な対応を示しました。 A社の行為が商標権を侵害していると判断し、民事訴訟を提起するに至りました。訴訟に際しては、ロシアの弁護士事務所、日本国内の特許事務所、現地総代理店、社内関係部署との緊密な連携を図り、訴訟の準備を進めました。ロシアでは並行輸入に関する判例が混在していたため、関連法規や判例を徹底的に分析し、証拠収集に努めました。特に、被告企業への輸出を認めていなかった点の立証が、勝訴に繋がったと考えています。 第一審の判決は約4カ月で下され、最終的には第三審まで進みましたが、勝訴確定まで約1年で迅速に進行しました。この勝訴により、ロシア市場において当社製品の並行輸入に対する厳しい姿勢が広く知られるようになり、並行輸入はほぼ根絶されました。 この判決がロシアで広く知られるようになると、並行輸入対策に苦労していた日本の多くの企業からの問い合わせが相次ぎました。秘密保持が必要な部分を除き、経緯の説明や情報提供などでこれらの企業を支援しました。その結果、多様な業界で並行輸入対策が進展しているという報告を受けました。 商標権を活用したロシアでの並行輸入品対策について https://www.jipa.or.jp/kikansi/chizaikanri/search/detail.php?chizai_id=1ab5bf1e7961d2677913dcf9c15c4269 Don't Forget Your Beginner's Spirit (9) IP Litigation In Russia In 2010, our company registered the baby diaper brand "GOO.N" with the Russian Federal Customs Service. At that time, Japanese products were highly regarded in the Russian market. However, this popularity led to an increase in counterfeit and parallel import products, with the "GOO.N" brand being particularly affected. This situation posed a significant challenge to our business expansion. In February 2011, we were notified by the Vladivostok Customs that an unauthorized importer, Company A, was attempting to bring in "GOO.N" products. We immediately requested the customs authorities to stop this importation. The customs officials assisted us by providing photos of the parallel import products and other supportive actions. We concluded that Company A's actions violated our trademark rights and subsequently filed a civil lawsuit. Throughout the litigation, we worked closely with law firms in Russia, patent offices in Japan, local general agents, and relevant internal departments to build our case. Given the mixed Russian legal precedents on parallel imports, we conducted a thorough analysis of the relevant laws and precedents and gathered substantial evidence. We believe that demonstrating the defendant company's lack of authorization to export our products was key to our success. The first instance decision was reached in approximately four months, and the case advanced to the third instance. However, it took around a year from the lawsuit filing to the confirmation of our victory. This win significantly raised awareness of our firm's stance against parallel imports of our products in the Russian market, leading to a near elimination of these imports. As news of the verdict spread in Russia and Japan, we received many inquiries from Japanese companies facing similar challenges with parallel imports. While maintaining confidentiality where necessary, we provided these companies with background information and advice. Consequently, we observed progress in combating parallel imports across various industries.
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著者萬秀憲 アーカイブ
January 2025
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