「銀行は無形資産に融資できるか 低成長を脱するカギに」(2024年2月26日、日経新聞)と取り上げられていますが、まさにその通りだと思います。 無形資産を含めて事業価値全体に「事業成長担保権」を設定する「事業性融資推進法案」(仮称)が銀行の背中を押すことになれば良いのだけれど。 銀行は無形資産に融資できるか 低成長を脱するカギに 2024年2月26日 https://www.nikkei.com/article/DGXZQOUB21DVI0R20C24A2000000/ 「成長力」担保に融資可能に 金融庁、新法案提出へ 2023年12月1日 https://www.nikkei.com/article/DGXZQOUB30BDY0Q3A131C2000000/ Can Banks Lend to Intangible Assets? While the Nikkei Stock Average has surpassed the levels seen during the economic bubble period, it's hardly an exaggeration to say that Japan's escape from low growth hinges on the utilization of intellectual property and other intangible assets. The notion that 'banks could be the key to breaking free from low growth by lending to intangible assets' was covered in the Nikkei Newspaper on February 26, 2024, and it indeed seems to be the case. It would be beneficial if the proposed 'Business Growth Collateral Law' (provisional name), which allows setting 'business growth collateral rights' over the entire business value including intangible assets, could encourage banks in this direction. Banks Lending to Intangible Assets: A Key to Escaping Low Growth - February 26, 2024 https://www.nikkei.com/article/DGXZQOUB21DVI0R20C24A2000000/ 'Financing based on Growth Potential' Possible - Financial Services Agency to Submit New Bill - December 1, 2023 https://www.nikkei.com/article/DGXZQOUB30BDY0Q3A131C2000000/
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著者萬秀憲 アーカイブ
February 2025
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