パテント誌6月号の『進歩性判断のダブルスタンダード -「本件(本願)発明の技術的意義(発明の課題解決)」が “(特にパラメータ発明の)容易想到性” 判断に与える影響-』(高石 秀樹 弁護士)は、『裁判所における進歩性判断において、主引用発明と副引用発明とを組み合わせる論理付けによるときは、主引用発明と副引用発明とで課題が異なる場合に組み合わせ難いことに加えて、本件発明と主引用発明とで課題が異なる場合も、主引用発明から出発して本件発明の課題を解決して本件発明に至ることは容易でないとして進歩性が認められる傾向にある。』ことを前提として、下記のように考察しています。 『「設計事項」には、主副引用発明の組み合わせと同じく、《α》本件発明と主引用発明との課題の同一性というアプローチと、《β》本件発明の技術的意義によるアプローチがあるところ、特に《β》のアプローチにおいては、審査基準でも『主副引用発明の組み合わせ』と明確に区別されている『設計事項』の類型(上記③)が、本件発明と主引用発明との相違点が本件発明の技術的意義に関わる場合(発明の課題解決と相関している場合)は設計事項として片付けられにくいというダブルスタンダードが存在する』 進歩性判断のダブルスタンダード-「本件(本願)発明の技術的意義(発明の課題解決)」が“(特にパラメータ発明の)容易想到性” 判断に与える影響- https://jpaa-patent.info/patent/viewPdf/4449 Double Standards in the Assessment of Inventive Step In the June issue of the Patent Journal, the article titled "Double Standards in the Assessment of Inventive Step - The Impact of the 'Technical Significance of the Invention (Problem Solved by the Invention)' on the 'Obviousness' Judgment (Especially for Parameter Inventions)" by attorney Hideki Takaishi discusses the following premise: "In court decisions on inventive step, when combining the primary and secondary cited inventions, if the problems addressed by these inventions differ, it is challenging to combine them. Additionally, if the problems addressed by the primary cited invention and the present invention differ, it is generally difficult to solve the problem of the present invention starting from the primary cited invention, and hence, the inventive step tends to be recognized." Based on this premise, the article analyzes the following points: "Just like the combination of the primary and secondary cited inventions, there are two approaches to 'design matters': 《α》 the approach of the identity of the problems between the present invention and the primary cited invention, and 《β》 the approach based on the technical significance of the present invention. Particularly in the case of approach 《β》, there exists a double standard wherein the type of 'design matters,' which is clearly distinguished from the 'combination of primary and secondary cited inventions' in the examination standards, is less likely to be dismissed as a mere design matter when the difference between the present invention and the primary cited invention pertains to the technical significance of the present invention (i.e., when it correlates with the problem solved by the invention)." Your browser does not support viewing this document. Click here to download the document.
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September 2024
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