経営トップは、「日本国内の私たちの業界では特許訴訟の例が少なく、特許の積極的な出願や権利化が直接的な利益に結びつかない」と考えていました。また、「革新的な技術開発は別だが、そうではない技術に関する特許出願は不要」との立場を取っていました。 私は、「均等論の導入やプロパテント傾向の高まりにより、特許戦略は以前よりも一層重要になっています。特許権の権利者に有利な判決が増えているため、特許訴訟に巻き込まれるリスクも高まっています。また、単に訴訟回避のためだけでなく、競合他社の半歩先を行く技術開発を行って市場での競争力を強化することが事業の強化のために重要で、そのために特許は重要な手段です。」と指摘しましたが、この説明は理解されませんでした。 その後、競合他社からの特許侵害に関する警告状が次々と届きました。当社の特許出願が極端に少なかったことで集中砲火を浴びたのです。さすがに10社以上からの警告状を受け取った結果、経営陣はようやく「時代が変わった」と認識し、特許戦略の重要性を認め、重視する方針への転換を承認しました。 中途採用により、社外から特許担当の課長および担当者を採用し、特許管理体制を整備しました。また、研究開発方針を競合他社に先んじる技術開発・商品開発へと変更し、市場での競争力を強化しました。さらに、研究開発の初期段階から特許出願に結び付ける活動を強化しました。その結果、発明者の数は順調に増加し、特許出願の件数も目標を大きく上回りました。 特許戦略は、単に防御策に留まらず、企業のイノベーションと市場競争力を支える積極的な手段であり、特許戦略の適切な理解と実施は、企業の将来の成長と成功に不可欠です。 Don't Forget Your Beginner's Spirit (5) Shift To Patent-Focused Strategy What surprised me when I changed jobs was the management team's lack of full understanding of the importance of intellectual property, particularly in terms of patent applications. The top executives believed that, given the few examples of patent litigation in our industry in Japan, proactive patent applications and rights did not directly translate into tangible benefits. They also felt that while patent applications were necessary for innovative technological developments, they were less critical for other types of technology. I pointed out that, with the advent of the doctrine of equivalents and an increasing pro-patent trend, patent strategy has become more crucial than ever. The rise in decisions favorable to patent owners has heightened the risk of involvement in patent litigation. Moreover, patenting is not just a way to avoid litigation; it is also essential in strengthening the business by developing technologies that are a step ahead of competitors, thus enhancing market competitiveness. However, this explanation did not resonate with them. Subsequently, our company received a series of patent infringement notices from competitors, drawing intense scrutiny due to our extremely low number of patent applications. Finally, after warnings from over ten companies, the management team realized that times had changed. They acknowledged the importance of a patent strategy and approved a policy shift to place greater emphasis on it. Through mid-career recruitment, we hired a patent manager and a patent officer from outside the company to establish a robust patent management system. Furthermore, we shifted our research and development policy towards technology and product development that outpaces our competitors, thereby enhancing our competitiveness in the market. Additionally, we intensified our efforts to link the early stages of research and development with patent applications. As a result, the number of inventors has steadily increased, and the number of patent applications has significantly exceeded our target. Patent strategy is not merely a defensive measure, but an active tool to bolster a company's innovation and competitiveness in the marketplace. A proper understanding and implementation of patent strategy are critical for a company's future growth and success.
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著者萬秀憲 アーカイブ
February 2025
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