今回のケースは、最初にモデル実験を行い、そこでうまくいったものを今度は病院の臨床で実際の患者さんで実証を行いましたが、大学の先生や看護師、臨床検査技師の方など様々な協力を得て、システマティックにすることができました。我々も全国の様々な施設で実証をやらせていただいておりますが、やはり医者と看護師、臨床検査技師がチームを組んでそこまでの実態観察までやっていただけるというのは、今までなかなかありませんでした。本当に皆さん一丸となってやっていただきました。そして、鳥取大学の病院には非常に高機能のX線のCT装置が入っていたのですが、この装置はスキャンにほとんど時間がかからないため4次元の解析動画を作ることができます。朝から夕方までは患者さんの診断に使っていますが、夜の8時くらいから臨床検査技師の方にダミー人形でこの装置を使って実験してもらうことにより、世界で初めてX線CTにより今まで見えなかったところを四次元で可視化することができました。この方法は特許も取っています。 テレビ局も関心を持って、鳥取大学が記者発表しましたが、テレビで流してもらえることとなりすごい宣伝効果になりました。それまでは弊社と鳥取大学との間で特許実施時のロイヤリティの交渉が難航していて、研究成果の取り扱いについては交渉を先延ばしにしていました。そこに、鳥取大学発の画期的な研究成果ということでマスコミにも大々的に取り上げてもらうことにより、我々も研究開発レベルではなくて事業レベルから宣伝広告費という考え方で特許実施時のロイヤリティを鳥取大学にお支払いすることができるようになりました。大学にいわば宣伝マンになってもらうという感じです。事業となったときに出せる費用は、研究開発レベルで出せる費用と比べて全然多いですからね。このように、契約交渉を先延ばしにして、研究の成果が出たら解決するからと言っていた話が実際にうまくいって解決できたケースとなりました。 先生が発表した論文も学術的に高い評価を得られました。また、先生個人だけではなくて、鳥取大学の医学部としても産学連携で売り出した初めての商品ということで、これからの産学連携活動にはずみをつけることができたと聞いております。商品を販売したときも医学部全体を挙げてバックアップしていただきました。弊社の営業に対して新製品を説明するときにも、わざわざ鳥取大学病院の病院長まで来ていただき、当社の営業の士気も大いに上がりました。 Industry-University Collaboration with Tottori University We developed a male incontinence diaper in collaboration with Tottori University, and this case proved to be particularly challenging for commercialization. The president of a sales agency initiated the project through casual conversations with an associate professor at Tottori University, exploring the possibility of developing a diaper to address the problem of urinary incontinence that is prevalent in elderly care. The challenge was clear: prevent male urine leakage. However, since there were no pads available to prevent male frontal leakage, we started from scratch with the goal of creating a unique product. We then signed a non-disclosure agreement with Tottori University and began researching the practical aspects based on various hypotheses. Interestingly, both the hypotheses proposed by the university professor and those proposed by our company turned out to be completely off the mark. As a result, instead of following the conventional wisdom of co-development, we decided to pursue the real cause of urinary incontinence through empirical experiments that broke away from established theories. This approach ultimately led us to identify the true causes of urinary incontinence and contributed to our success. In this case, we conducted initial model experiments followed by clinical verification with real patients in hospitals. With the help of university professors, nurses, and clinical laboratory technicians, we were able to conduct the experiments systematically. Although we have conducted verifications in various facilities around the country, it is rare to have a team of doctors, nurses, and clinical laboratory technicians working together for in-depth observations. Everyone really came together and contributed. In addition, Tottori University Hospital had an advanced X-ray CT machine that could produce 4D analysis videos due to its rapid scanning capability. Although the machine is primarily used to diagnose patients from morning to night, at around 8 p.m., clinical laboratory technicians conducted experiments using a dummy model. This groundbreaking approach made it possible to visualize previously invisible areas in four dimensions using X-ray CT, and we have received a patent for this method. Television stations also showed interest, and Tottori University made a press announcement. The subsequent TV coverage had a tremendous promotional effect. Although negotiations between our company and Tottori University on royalty payments during patent implementation were initially difficult, we postponed discussions on the handling of research results. Thanks to the extensive media coverage of Tottori University's groundbreaking research results, we were able to resolve the negotiations smoothly and agree to pay royalties to Tottori University from a business-level advertising budget rather than from research and development funds. In a sense, the university became our advertising partner. The business budget available at the time of implementation far exceeded what could have been allocated at the R&D level. Thus, this case demonstrated that deferring contract negotiations until after the research results were obtained could indeed lead to a successful solution. The professor's work received high academic acclaim. In addition, not only the professor personally, but also the entire medical faculty of Tottori University actively promoted the first product to be launched through the industry-academia collaboration. Even during sales presentations of our new product, the hospital director of Tottori University Hospital took the time to attend, which greatly boosted the morale of our sales team.
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著者萬秀憲 アーカイブ
February 2025
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