「大学への不正に関する通報も門前払いされた」と感じているようで、残念です。 「研究用に提供した乳酸菌株を不法に使用」老舗みそ蔵が信州大学と准教授を相手取り1000万円の損害賠償求め提訴「十分な説明がなくやむを得ず提訴」 2024年5月15日 https://newsdig.tbs.co.jp/articles/-/1171708?display=1 老舗味噌蔵が信大など提訴 「乳酸菌株を不法使用」 https://www.abn-tv.co.jp/news-abn/?detail=00037857 ★長野県・老舗味噌蔵、信州大学と准教授を提訴‥「乳酸菌株を不法使用」特許巡り https://ameblo.jp/sapporo-mmm/entry-12852220661.html 井上醸造 http://www.inouejyozo.jp/ 一部メディアで報じられているとおり、この度、弊社は信州大学を相手に民事訴訟を提起いたしました。訴訟を提起した経緯及び目的は詳細をご覧ください。 <詳細> http://www.inouejyozo.jp/sosyousyousai.html 老舗醸造蔵に宿る蔵付微生物バンクを基盤とするスーパー乳酸菌の発見 https://www.shinshu-u.ac.jp/tradefair/2021/research-seeds/classification/food/post-17.html Illegal Use of Lactic Acid Bacteria Strains Provided for Research? Long-established miso brewery files lawsuit Inoue Brewery, a long-established miso producer, has filed a lawsuit against Shinshu University and others, claiming that the lactic acid bacteria strain it provided for research was used illegally. Inoue Brewery said, "We filed the lawsuit out of necessity because there was no sufficient explanation. We hope that the university will take sincere action.” Shinshu University, which was sued, said, "Since the case is still pending, we would like to refrain from commenting. We will closely examine the contents of the lawsuit and present our position at the trial.” It is unfortunate that they feel that "reports to the university about the irregularities were also turned away at the door.”
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January 2025
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