「年報知的財産法 2023-2024」は、19冊目の知的財産法に係る年報誌です。
今年のトピックに取り上げられているのが、下記です。 ・2023年の不正競争防止法2条1項3号の改正 ・コンセント制度を導入する等した商標法の改正 ・国境を越えた特許権侵害について判断したドワンゴ事件の知財高裁の2件の判例 ・「特集」として「人工知能をめぐる著作権法上の課題」 過去1年間の判例の動向、学説の動向、政策・産業界の動向、諸外国の動向は、例年通り、網羅的に解説されていますので、全体像が把握できます。 Annual Report on Intellectual Property Law 2023-2024 The 'Annual Report on Intellectual Property Law 2023-2024' is the 19th volume of the annual report series on intellectual property law. The topics covered this year include: ・The amendment of Article 2, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Unfair Competition Prevention Act in 2023 ・The amendment of the Trademark Law, including the introduction of the consent system ・Two precedents from the Intellectual Property High Court on the Dwango case, which dealt with cross-border patent infringement ・A special feature on 'Copyright Law Issues Surrounding Artificial Intelligence' As usual, the annual report comprehensively discusses the trends in court decisions, academic theories, policy and industry movements, and international developments over the past year, allowing for a complete understanding of the overall picture. 年報知的財産法 2023-2024 https://www.nippyo.co.jp/shop/book/9177.html 特集:人工知能をめぐる著作権法上の課題 高林 龍 三村 量一 上野 達弘 編 定価:税込 5,720円(本体価格 5,200円) 発刊年月 2023.12 過去1年間の判例、学説、政策・産業界、外国の動向を、いち早く捉えて解説する関係者必携の年報。重要トピックは特集ほかで解説。 目次 [特集]人工知能をめぐる著作権法上の課題 アメリカにおけるAI生成物と著作権 ……米国著作権局長 シラ・パールムッター AI学習とフェアユース ……コロンビア大学教授 ジェーン・ギンズバーグ [TOPIC] [法改正の動き] NFT 商品と不正競争防止法2 条1 項3 号 ……駒田泰土(上智大学教授) [裁判の動き] 越境的行為と特許権の侵害 ――ドワンゴ対FC2事件の2つの知財高裁判決をめぐって ……鈴木將文(早稲田大学教授) [法改正の動き] 他人の氏名を含む商標の登録要件緩和とコンセント制度導入に関する商標法改正の解説 ……中内康裕(弁護士・前特許庁商標課商標制度企画室法務調査員) [2023年 判例の動向] 判例の動き 特許法・商標法・不正競争防止法……三村量一(弁護士、元知的財産高等裁判所判事)・松下昂永・中内康裕・藤村亜弥(弁護士) 著作権法・意匠法……上野達弘(早稲田大学教授) [2023年学説の動向] Ⅰ 著作権法……今村哲也(明治大学教授)、栗原佑介(慶應義塾大学特任准教授・弁理士)、黒田智昭(JCOM株式会社)、桑原 俊(順天堂大学客員准教授・弁護士) Ⅱ 特許法……加藤 幹(特許庁審査第三部 上席総括審査官) Ⅲ 不正競争・商標・意匠……志賀典之(追手門学院大学准教授)、末宗達行(金城学院大学准教授)、五味飛鳥(弁理士) [2023年 政策・産業界の動向] 政策・産業界の動向……中山一郎(北海道大学教授) [2023年 諸外国の動向] Ⅰ 米国における知財の動き 〔特許〕……萩原弘之(ニューヨーク州弁護士・米国特許弁護士) 〔著作権〕……石新智規(弁護士) 〔商標法・不競法〕……宮脇正晴(立命館大学教授) Ⅱ 欧州における知財の動き 特許法……アインゼル・ラインハルト(ゾンデルホフ&アインゼル法律事務所・弁理士)、高松遼(同・弁護士)、伊藤潤(同・弁理士)、岡野真未子(同・弁理士) 著作権法……中川隆太郎(弁護士) Ⅲ WIPOをめぐる国際動向……宮本智子(世界知的所有権機関 特許・技術法務部特許法条約課) Ⅳ 中国における知財の動き……秦玉公(金沢工業大学大学院客員教授、中国弁護士)、蔡万里(豊橋技術科学大学准教授) Ⅴ 韓国における知財の動き……張睿暎(獨協大学教授) Intellectual Property Law Annual Report 2023-2024 : Special Issue on Copyright Issues Related to Artificial Intelligence Edited by Tatsuru Takabayashi, Ryoichi Mimura, Tatsuhiro Ueno Price: 5,720 yen (including tax) (Book price: 5,200 yen) Release Date: December 2023 This indispensable annual report promptly provides detailed explanations of the past year's case law, theories, policies, industry trends, and international developments. Key topics are elaborated upon in special features and various sections. Table of Contents [Special Feature] Copyright Issues in Artificial Intelligence Copyright of AI-Generated Works in America ...by Shira Perlmutter, Director of the U.S. Copyright Office AI Learning and Fair Use ...by Jane C. Ginsburg, Professor at Columbia University [TOPICS] [Movements in Legal Changes] NFT Products and the Unfair Competition Prevention Act, Article 2, Paragraph 1, Item 3 ...by Yasuto Komada (Professor at Sophia University) [Movements in Litigation] Cross-Border Litigation and Patent Infringement Discussing the Two IP High Court Decisions in the Dwango vs. FC2 Case ...by Masabumi Suzuki (Professor at Waseda University) [Movements in Legal Amendments] An Overview of Trademark Law Amendments: Easing Registration Requirements for Trademarks Including Personal Names and Introducing a Consent System ...by Yasuhiro Nakauchi (Attorney, Former Trademark System Planning Officer at the Patent Office) [Trends in Case Law 2023] Developments in Case Law Patent Law, Trademark Law, Unfair Competition Prevention Law... by Ryoichi Mimura (Attorney, Former Judge at the Intellectual Property High Court), Koei Matsushita, Yasuhiro Nakauchi, Aya Fujimura (Attorney) Copyright Law, Design Law... by Tatsuhiro Ueno (Professor at Waseda University) [Trends in Theoretical Discussions 2023] I Copyright Law... by Tetsuya Imamura (Professor at Meiji University), Yusuke Kurihara (Specially Appointed Associate Professor at Keio University & Patent Attorney), Tomoaki Kuroda (JCOM Co., Ltd.), Shun Kuwabara (Guest Associate Professor at Juntendo University & Attorney) II Patent Law... by Motoki Kato (Senior Chief Examiner, Third Division of Examination, Japan Patent Office) III Unfair Competition, Trademark, Design Law... by Noriyuki Shiga (Associate Professor, Otemon Gakuin University), Tatsuyuki Suemune (Associate Professor, Kinjo Gakuin University), Asuka Gomi (Patent Attorney) [Trends in Politics and Industry 2023] Movements in Politics and Industry... by Ichiro Nakayama (Professor at Hokkaido University) [Trends in International Developments 2023] I Intellectual Property Movements in the United States [Patent]... by Hiroyuki Hagiwara (New York State Attorney & U.S. Patent Attorney) [Copyright]... by Tomoki Ishiara (Attorney) [Trademark Law & Unfair Competition Law]... by Masaharu Miyawaki (Professor at Ritsumeikan University) II Intellectual Property Movements in Europe Patent Law... by Felix-Reinhard Einsel (Sonderhoff & Einsel Law Office & Patent Attorney), Ryo Takamatsu, Jun Ito, Mamiko Okano (all Attorneys at the same office) Copyright Law... by Ryutaro Nakagawa (Attorney) III International Trends Surrounding WIPO... by Tomoko Miyamoto (World Intellectual Property Organization, Patent and Technology Law Division, Patent Law Treaty Section) IV Intellectual Property Movements in China... by Qin Yugong (Visiting Professor at Kanazawa Institute of Technology Graduate School, Chinese Attorney), Wanli Cai (Associate Professor at Toyohashi University of Technology) V Intellectual Property Movements in South Korea... by Yeyoung Chang (Professor at Dokkyo University)
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December 2024
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