ソフトバンクグループの孫正義会長兼社長は2023年10月4日、グループの年次イベント「SoftBank World 2023」の講演に登壇し、同社グループ全体で生成AI関連の特許をここ数カ月で1万件以上出願していること、「私個人も昨年の10月から発明に凝っていて、今月中に特許の出願件数は1000件を超える見込み」であることを明らかにしました。 特許出願してもそれが公開されるのは1年半後であるため、「AI技術特許出願1万件宣言は本当か?」という話などが出ていましたが、2023年の特許出願件数が2022年と比較すると1万件以上増加しており、この国内出願件数の増加はソフトバンクによる生成AI関連技術の大量出願が原因と推測されていました。 ソフトバンクG、数カ月で生成AI関連の特許を1万件出願‐孫氏「私個人で1000件」 2023/10/05 https://news.mynavi.jp/techplus/article/20231005-2785038/?gpt=newspicks&utm_source=newspicks&utm_medium=rss 2024年3月21日 ソフトバンク、AI技術特許出願1万件宣言は本当か? https://www.patentyouridea.tokyo/post/%E3%82%BD%E3%83%95%E3%83%88%E3%83%90%E3%83%B3%E3%82%AF%E3%80%81ai%EF%BC%91%E4%B8%87%E4%BB%B6%E3%81%AE%E7%89%B9%E8%A8%B1%E5%87%BA%E9%A1%98 2023年の特許出願は30万件超、これは良い兆候かもしれない 2024-04-17 https://ameblo.jp/123search/entry-12848713553.html 2024-03-11 現場の課題が独自の発明につながる。ソフトバンクが目指す攻めの知財 https://www.softbank.jp/sbnews/entry/20240311_01 The Number of Patent Publications by SoftBank's Masayoshi Son Increases Rapidly The number of patents published with Masayoshi Son (Chairman and CEO of the SoftBank Group) listed as the inventor has been increasing rapidly. In terms of Japanese applications, 24 patents were published in April, and 96 patents from May 1st to 17th (a total of 120). In terms of international publications, 18 patents were published in April and 13 from May 1st to 17th (a total of 31). He has stated, "We have filed over 10,000 patents related to generative AI within the SoftBank Group, and I personally have filed over 1,000 patents," which is exciting news. On October 4, 2023, Masayoshi Son, Chairman and CEO of the SoftBank Group, spoke at the group's annual event "SoftBank World 2023" and revealed that the group had filed over 10,000 patents related to generative AI in recent months. He also mentioned, "I have been passionate about inventing since last October, and the number of patents I have filed is expected to exceed 1,000 by the end of this month." Since patents are published 18 months after filing, there had been skepticism about the claim of "filing 10,000 AI technology patents," but compared to 2022, the number of patents filed in 2023 increased by more than 10,000, which is believed to be due to SoftBank's mass filing of generative AI-related technology patents.
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