株式会社ジーテクトは、本田技研工業株式会社グループに属する自動車部品メーカーで、主力製品はクルマの骨格を成す車体部品(大型プレス機により鋼材をプレス加工後、溶接加工して製造する部品、車体プレス部品)で、車体プレス部品は、クルマの骨格を成し、衝突安全性の確保、車体重量の軽量化、走行性能の向上などにおいて重要な役割を担っています。 ホンダの同社への出資比率は30.0%であり、ジーテクトはホンダの持分法適用会社ですが、資本関係のないトヨタ自動車株式会社や株式会社SUBARU向け取引も伸長しており、築き上げてきた自動車OEMとの信頼関係をベースに、クルマ一台の開発から受注できる「車体システムサプライヤー(Tier0.5)」へと進化することで、次世代の自動車市場への勝ち残りを目指しています。 車体システムサプライヤーを目指して開発力を強化する中心に、知的資本の戦略があり、ギガキャストと共存する車体骨格部品を最適化提案、ギガキャストに新たな選択肢として大型一体化を提案、外部連携による3つの進化、拡大する次世代電動車(BEV)市場をターゲットに、車体メーカーとしての豊富な経験と知識で提案、事業拡大を支えるための戦略的な知的財産の保有と体制が5つの戦略に位置付けられています。 「市場のニーズからお客様へ提供する車体の製品像を描き形にしていく、バックキャストでの製品開発をIPL等を活用した戦略的開発推進を行うことでホワイトボディのスペシャリストへ成長していきます。」としており、未来に向かっての開発事例(特許7253102号)が紹介されていることからも、その考え方がしっかり根付いていることがわかります。 「事業拡大を支えるための戦略的な知的財産の保有と体制」の項では、取締役会による監督が行われ、各本部と事業についての議論の場が設けられ、各々の検討段階から、知財担当が開発に入り込んだ業務推進を行っていること、これらの仕組みにより、開発初期段階における他社の特許抵触リスクを回避し、ビジネスでの活用を想定した特許の出願や改良技術をもれなく保護することのできる特許網を構築していることを説明しています。 今後の実績が期待されます。 (第184回)知財実務オンライン:「知財ガバナンスと生成AIで変わってきた企業知財実務~コロナ禍の知財戦略コンサルティング4年間を踏まえて~」 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o63kSxqJcSM&t=1722s ジーテクト統合報告書2023 https://www.g-tekt.jp/ir/library/pdf/2023/Ikkatsu.pdf ジーテクト有価証券報告書 https://ssl4.eir-parts.net/doc/5970/yuho_pdf/S100R6SH/00.pdf <知的財産権戦略>
そこで、知的財産の創出にあたっては、客先ニーズを営業本部が汲み取り、開発本部が製品の構造を検討提案し、技術・生産本部がそれらを品質よく製造する技術を手の内にできるよう、全社横断的な取り組みを実施しています。各々の検討段階において、知財推進担当も開発に入り込む事で、海外地域拠点で必要となる技術の見極めを行った出願国の決定、ランドスケープを活用した開発テー マの妥当性の検証や、ベンチマーク調査による競争優位検討を実施し、事業力強化を目指しています。加えて、知財力向上が事業成長につながるという考えのもと、発明者研修等をはじめとした人財育成を継続的に実施し、発明者と知財部門が一丸となり知財戦略推進ができるよう取り組んでおります。 G-TECT Integrated Report On March 28, 2024, during the live broadcast of the "184th Intellectual Property Governance and Changes in Corporate IP Practices with Generative AI – Based on Four Years of IP Strategy Consulting During the COVID-19 Pandemic," G-TECT Corporation's integrated report was featured. It was introduced that the section on intellectual property, which was about 20 lines in the previous year's report, has been expanded to a detailed two-page explanation. G-TECT Corporation, a member of the Honda Motor Co., Ltd. group, is an automotive parts manufacturer specializing in body components (parts manufactured by pressing and then welding steel material using large press machines, known as body press parts). These body press parts play a critical role in forming the skeleton of cars, ensuring crash safety, reducing body weight, and enhancing driving performance. Honda's investment ratio in the company is 30.0%, making G-TECT an equity method affiliate of Honda. However, transactions with non-affiliated companies such as Toyota Motor Corporation and Subaru Corporation are also growing. Based on the trust relationship built with automotive OEMs, G-TECT aims to survive in the next-generation automotive market by evolving into a "body system supplier (Tier 0.5)" that can receive orders for the development of an entire car. At the core of strengthening development capabilities to become a body system supplier is a strategy for intellectual capital. Proposing optimized body frame components that coexist with gigacasts, suggesting large-scale integration as a new option for gigacasts, three evolutions through external collaboration, targeting the expanding next-generation electric vehicle (BEV) market with proposals based on rich experience and knowledge as a body manufacturer, and a strategic possession and structure of intellectual property to support business expansion are positioned as five strategies. "We aim to grow into specialists in white bodies by backcasting product development from market needs to the envisioned products for our customers, and promoting strategic development using IPL, etc." This philosophy is firmly rooted, as indicated by the introduction of future development examples (Patent No. 7253102). The section "Strategic Ownership and Structure of Intellectual Property to Support Business Expansion" explains that supervision is conducted by the board of directors, forums for discussion about each division and business are provided, and from the initial stages of consideration, IP personnel are involved in promoting business, constructing a patent network that can avoid risks of infringing on other companies' patents in the early stages of development and secure patents and improved technologies for business use. Further achievements are expected. G-TECT Securities Report [Intellectual Property Rights Strategy] (1) Basic Policy: We actively protect and manage intellectual property rights created during the process of technological development and production activities, and advance IP strategies based on management plans to focus on enhancing the corporate value of our company. Moreover, we are working to create innovations that meet future societal and customer needs by showing the direction of development to aim for and by enhancing the system to provide IP information that promotes development. (2) Management System: Our group has established an IP management system that oversees the entire group, placing IP promotion personnel in technology and development departments, each production site, and global bases (S&E) for smooth coordination with the IP department, timely addressing of obstructive patents for development and business, and leading hidden technologies and ideas to patent acquisition. Furthermore, we have set up opportunities for discussions among each division and department to secure advantages in new business areas and evolve and acquire core technologies, promoting backcasting-based advancement with clear utilization scenarios of intellectual property rights, and reporting goals and results to management every term, constructing a system for supervision by the board of directors. (3) Company-Wide Intellectual Property Strategy: In response to drastic changes in the automotive industry such as CASE, MaaS, and climate change issues, we are actively working to acquire intellectual property rights that anticipate the future flow of business. Especially with the global acceleration towards Battery EVs (BEVs), there is a demand for battery housing, a BEV-specific part, as well as for further lightening and strengthening of our main product, the white body. Development requires understanding customer needs, and delivering valuable products to society and customers also necessitates technology to materialize those needs. Therefore, in creating intellectual property, the sales department captures customer needs, the development department proposes product structures, and the technology and production department manufactures those with quality technology, implementing a company-wide effort. In each phase of consideration, IP promotion personnel are involved in development, determining the countries for application based on the necessary technology at overseas bases, validating the appropriateness of development themes using IP landscape, conducting competitive advantage studies through benchmark surveys, and aiming to strengthen business power. Additionally, with the belief that improving IP capabilities leads to business growth, we are continuously conducting inventor training and other human resource development efforts, working together with inventors and the IP department to promote IP strategy.
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著者萬秀憲 アーカイブ
February 2025
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