『•代表的製品のチョコモナカジャンボについて、「因果パス」(パーパス・顧客ニーズ→知財・無形資産の創造・活用→顧客価値→社会インパクト→企業価値のつながり)を図示して開示 •開示した内容を見たアナリストから、「知財戦略について非常に強みを持っている」と評価 •知財部門が様々な部門も巻き込んで議論を繰り返したことで、社内の知財意識醸成や部門間連携の強化にも寄与』 食品業界の統合報告書のレベルアップは目覚ましいものがありますが、その中でも優れている統合報告書の中の一つでしょう。 森永製菓グループ統合報告書2023 https://www.morinaga.co.jp/company/sustainability/reports/pdf/integrated_report2023/MORINAGA_Integrated_Report_2023_JA_ValueCreation.pdf P.45 知的財産(基本方針、知財インテリジェンスを駆使した新たな知的財産の獲得、強固な知的財産ポートフォリオマネジメント) 知的財産 https://www.morinaga.co.jp/company/rd/ip.html わが社の知財活動 森永製菓株式会社 https://www.jipa.or.jp/kikansi/chizaikanri/syoroku/73syoroku.html MORINAGA CONFECTIONERY GROUP INTEGRATED REPORT The integrated report of Morinaga Confectionery was featured as a case study in the report of the Patent Office at the 23rd Intellectual Property Investment Review Meeting (March 22, 2024) and was highly evaluated. For its flagship product, Choco Monaka Jumbo, it disclosed the 'causal path' (Purpose and customer needs → Creation and utilization of intellectual property and intangible assets → Customer value → Social impact → Corporate value) with illustrations. Analysts who saw the disclosed content evaluated it as 'having a very strong intellectual property strategy'. The intellectual property department's repeated discussions involving various other departments contributed to fostering an awareness of intellectual property within the company and strengthening inter-departmental cooperation." The level of integration reports in the food industry is remarkably high, but this is one of the outstanding ones.
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著者萬秀憲 アーカイブ
February 2025
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