日本企業を規模別でみると、従業員1万人以上(44社)では50%が導入済みで、千人~1万人未満(413社)は21.3%、千人未満(1200社)は15.7%と、規模が小さくなるほど少なくなったとのことでした。 ただ、導入予定が従業員1万人以上で27.3%、千人~1万人未満で41.4%、千人未満で27.0%ということなので、調査から半年近く経過しており、直近では、従業員1万人以上で8割弱、千人~1万人未満で6割強、千人未満で4割強の企業が導入しているのではないかと考えても良いように思います。 生成AI導入、18%どまり 日本企業、米豪と大差 2/10(土) https://news.yahoo.co.jp/articles/81e263ba3177e639668df48bbe471aab5c19c35b NRIセキュア、日・米・豪の3か国で「企業における情報セキュリティ実態調査2023」を実施〜 生成AIサービスの導入率で、米・豪の約7割に対し日本は約2割 〜 2024/01/25 https://www.nri.com/jp/news/newsrelease/lst/2024/cc/0125_1 February 10th - In Japanese companies with over 10,000 employees, 50% have already adopted generative AI between August and September last year. According to a survey conducted by NRI Secure Technologies (Tokyo), a subsidiary of Nomura Research Institute, during August and September of last year, the percentage of Japanese companies that have already implemented generative AI (Artificial Intelligence) in their operations stands at 18.0%. This shows a significant gap compared to the 73.5% of surveyed companies in the United States and 66.2% in Australia. Looking at Japanese companies by size, 50% of those with more than 10,000 employees (44 companies) have implemented it, 21.3% of companies with 1,000 to less than 10,000 employees (413 companies), and 15.7% of companies with less than 1,000 employees (1,200 companies) have adopted AI, indicating that smaller companies are less likely to have implemented it. However, with planned implementations being 27.3% for companies with over 10,000 employees, 41.4% for those with 1,000 to less than 10,000 employees, and 27.0% for those with less than 1,000 employees, and considering that nearly half a year has passed since the survey, it seems reasonable to assume that currently, just under 80% of companies with over 10,000 employees, over 60% of those with 1,000 to less than 10,000 employees, and over 40% of those with less than 1,000 employees have adopted it.
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February 2025
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