本報告書では、各事例の検討結果について、原則、以下の項目を記載しています。 1.事例の概要 2.事件の経緯 3.本件発明の内容 (1)特許請求の範囲(本事例研究において検討した請求項のみ記載) (2)図面(関連図面の抜粋) (3)発明の詳細な説明(関連部分の抜粋) 4.主な引用発明の内容(進歩性の判断に関して検討した事例のみ) 5.審決の内容 (1)相違点(進歩性の判断に関して検討した事例のみ) (2)相違点の判断(進歩性の判断に関して検討した事例のみ) 6.判決の内容 (1)原告の主張 (2)被告の反論 (3)裁判所の判断 7.検討事項及び検討結果 2010年の特許性検討会、2011年の審判実務者研究会、2012年の審判実務者研究会に参加することができ、貴重な経験を得ました。コロナ禍前だったので、毎年3回程度の研究会の会合の後には懇親会が開かれ、様々な交流ができたのも収穫でした。 審判実務者研究会報告書 https://www.jpo.go.jp/resources/shingikai/kenkyukai/sinposei_kentoukai.html Participation in the Trial and Appeal Practitioners Study Group Since fiscal year 2006, the Patent Office Board of Appeal has hosted the "Trial and Appeal Practitioners Study Group" (originally called the "Inventive Step Study Group"), which brings together practitioners from various fields, such as industry, patent attorneys, lawyers, and appellate judges, to study decisions and judgments and prepare and publish reports on their findings. These reports typically include the following for each case studied Case summary Case history Content of the invention at issue (a) Scope of patent claims (only claims examined in the case study are listed) (b) Drawings (extracts of relevant drawings) (c) Detailed description of the invention (excerpts of relevant parts) Content of the main inventions cited (only for cases where inventive step was examined) Content of the decision (a) Points of difference (only for cases where inventive step was examined) (b) Assessment of the points of difference (only for cases where inventive step was examined) Content of the decision (a) arguments of the applicant (b) Respondent's counter-arguments (c) Decision of the court Issues considered and results I had the valuable experience of attending the Patentability Review Meeting in 2010, the Trial and Appeal Practitioners Study Group in 2011 and again in 2012. As these were before the COVID-19 pandemic, there were about three study group meetings each year, followed by social gatherings which provided an opportunity for various exchanges.
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December 2024
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